Post-degree Certification Requirements: 1999-2001 Catalogue

Suggested curriculum for students seeking this degree. Unofficial document. Assumes no summer work.

Fall Spring Fall
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3
SCI/ECI 308 (1) SCI 352 (1) SCI 453 (1)
SCI 351 (1) SCI 410 (2) BIO 430 (2)
EDF 200/500 (3) SCI 420 (2) ECI 495 (12)
EPS 325/605 (3) PHS 300 (3)
ECI 322 (3) ECI 450 (3)
ECI 350 (3) ECI 465 (3)

Total credits: 43 without science or math make-ups

Science Bkgrnd Reqd for Cert Typical NAU Phy/Astro Grad Bkgrnd
Undergrad degree equivalent to NAU 35 credits liberal studies; 40-50
teachable science (AST, PHY, PHS); credits PHY+AST+CSE; MAT
deficiencies repair: ENG (4), MAT (3), courses up to Diff Eq
Arts (9), Sciences (6); acceptable
teaching major and minor; content
18 credits of AZ secondary teachable  
science subject  
Sci Educ. Reqd for Certification Typical NAU PHS/Tchr Emp Grad Bkgrnd
BIO 430 (2) Stu Tching Prep 35 credits liberal studies; 50
SCI 351 (1) Sec Sci Ed Sem credits PHY+CHM+MAT+GLG+
SCI 352 (1) Sec Sci Ed Sem BIO+PHS; MAT to Diff Eq or
SCI 453 (1) Sec Sci Ed Sem Calc I+Geom+Lin Alg+Mod+
SCI 410 (2) Sec Sci Lab Mtds Stats
PHS 300 (3) Sci, Tech, Soc  
SCI 420 (2) Sec Sci Rsrc Dev
12 credits total
Educ Courses Reqd for Cert Middle School Endorsement Reqmnts
SCI/ECI 308 (1) Sci Ed Field Exp ECI 323 (3) MS Curriculum
EDF 200/500 (3) Ed Foundations (stu tch in MS)
ECI 322/323 (3) HS/MS Curriculum 3 credits total
EPS 325/605 (3) Ed Psych  
ECI 350 (3) Cont Reading
ECI 450 (3) HS Tching
ECI 465 (3) Evaluation
ECI 495 (12) Student Teaching
31 credits total