BS Physical Science Program, Extended Secondary School: 2002-2004 Catalogue
Suggested Four Year Curriculum for students seeking this degree. Unofficial document. Assumes no summer work.
Fall Spring Fall Spring
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
MAT 125 (4) MAT 136 (4) PHY 111+L (4) PHY 112+L (4)
AST 180 (3) CHM 152 (3) CHM 230 (3) CHM 320/360 (3)
AST 181/182 (1) CHM 152L (1) ECI 322 (3) BIO 181+L (4)
CHM 151 (4) SCI/ECI 308 (1) GLG 101 (3) Liberal Studies (6)
CHM 151L (1) EDF 200 (3) GLG 103 (1)  
UCC 101 (3) ENG 105 (4) Liberal Studies (3)

Fall Spring Fall Spring
Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
GGR 361 (3) PHY 264 (3) PHS 300W (3) ECI 495 (12)
BIO 182+L (4) PHS 313 (3) SCI 461 (3) BIO 430 (2) optional
EPS 325 (3) SCI 460C (3) ECI 465 (3)  
ECI 350 (3) ECI 450 (3) Liberal Studies (9)  
Liberal Studies (3) Liberal Studies (4)    

Total credits: 128 credit hours

Major courses reqd for degree Liberal studies courses reqd for degree
PHY 111+L (4) Gen Phy I + Lab UCC 101 (3) University Colloq
PHY 112+L (4) Gen Phy II + Lab ENG 105 (4) Crit Read/Write
PHY 264 (3) Electronics MAT 125 (4) Precalculus
PHS 313 (3) 20th C Revs Distribution (25) Distribution Courses
PHS 300W (3) Issues Sci/Tech/Soc 36 credits total
AST 180 (3) Intro Astro
AST 181/182 (1) Int Ast L Day/Night Education Courses Reqd for Degree
CHM 151 (4) Gen Chem I ECI/SCI 308 (1) Sci Ed Field Exp
CHM 151L (1) Gen Chem I Lab EDF 200 (3) Ed Foundations
CHM 152 (3) Gen Chem II ECI 322 (3) HS Curriculum
CHM 152L (1) Gen Chem II Lab EPS 325 (3) Ed Psych
CHM 230 (3) Organic Chem ECI 350 (3) Cont Reading
CHM 320/360 (3) Analy/Biochem ECI 450 (3) HS Tching
GGR 361 (3) Weather/Climate ECI 465 (3) Evaluation
GLG 101 (3) Intro Geo ECI 495 (12) Student Teaching
GLG 103 (1) Intro Geo Lab 31 credits total
SCI 460C (3) Sec Sci Mtds
SCI 461 (3) Sec Sci Tech
BIO 181+L (4) Unity of Life I + Lab
BIO 182+L (4) Unity of Life II + Lab
MAT 136 (4) Calculus I
  61 credits total