Flagstaff Unified School District # 1
AZTEC Work Plan for Year 1: 2000
FUSD will work in conjunction with Dan MacIsaac and Jeff Bloom of NAU in Goals 1, 5, 7, and 8 of the AZTEC Goal set in year one of the five year grant. The contacts for FUSD will be Jim Brown, Career Ladder Coordinator for FUSD and Dr. Lee Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
1. Participants will establish a well-coordinated campaign for recruiting high quality EC high school seniors into the teaching profession.
Jim Brown will assist Dan MacIsaac in identifying and recruiting high school faculty for Future Teachers Club advisors. Jim Brown will also work in a liaison capacity with these faculty in order to accomplish the activities and outcomes and measures detailed in NAUs AZTEC Work Plan for Year 1.
5. Develop a statewide Mentor Teacher network across each of the 3 ECs in our state. In addition an appropriate number of these mentors will participate in the statewide network to be established under Goal 5.
7. Develop a wide reaching 2 year induction program.
All elementary teachers with two or less years of experience have been identified. Also all secondary (7-12) math and science teachers with two or less years experience have been identified. From, August 14-18 the elementary teachers will be offered a one week training. This training will be two days on the use of science kits, two days on math instructional methods and one day on instructional uses of technology in math and science. This training will incorporate the relevant Arizona Standards. There will be primary and intermediate breakouts where appropriate. In addition elementary science and math building mentors will be introduced at this training. Secondary math and science teachers will attend a two day training from August 15 and 16. This training will incorporate use of technology, Arizona Standards, and teaching methods. NAU and FUSD will collaboratively develop and implement this training.
FUSD will identify a math and a science mentor teacher for each school site. These teachers will meet twice monthly with their assigned mentees who will be the teachers from the above training. These meetings will consist of model lessons and a seminar to provide collaborative reflection new ideas and identified needs. The structure and content of these meetings will be determined by a core group from NAU and FUSD teachers prior to August 28. In addition to the scheduled meetings, the mentors will be responsible for making weekly contact with each assigned mentee in the role of an instructional mentor.
The mentors will be responsible to meet monthly to determine content and training needs.
All mentors will have to have completed or complete Peer Coaching training provided by the FUSD Career Ladder Program. This training emphasizes communication skills and trust building. To date over 600 FUSD teachers have completed this training which is a twelve hour training. Dan MacIsaac, Jeff Bloom and FUSD will determine and implement additional mentor training needs.
Mentors will receive a $1500 stipend. Mentees will receive a $500 stipend.
Outcomes and Measures
By August 28
Mentors will be identified and assigned to mentees.
Mentor training will be completed.
Preservices training well be completed.
Structure and content of scheduled mentor-mentee meetings will be determined.
By June 2001
Input from mentors and mentees will be gathered in order to refine program.
Students progress on DAP and Aims will be analyzed to determine students progress in mastering Arizona Standards in math and science provided the information is available from the Arizona Department of Education.
8.Produce video cases of best practice.
FUSD mentor teachers and the Career Ladder program in conjunction with NAU CAS AZTEC will identify appropriate faculty for video taping. These groups will assume responsibility for accomplishing the video taping.
Outcomes and Measures
By June 2001
Fifty best practice videos will be produced and edited by FUSD and NAU CAS AZTEC.
FUSD currently has a technology resource teacher in each building. This person will supply technology support for the AZTEC goals in technology
Flagstaff Unified School District # 1
Resource Teachers:
2 x 17 at $1,500 $51,000
Benefits: 5,253
Stipend for new teachers:
81 x 500 (51 currently in the system) $40,500
Benefits: 4,172
RTOP 81 at $60 each pre & post $ 4,860
Training Development: $10,000
Benefits: 1,030
Travel $ 3,000
Materials $13,045
Communication $ 2,000
Total: $130,000