AZTEC Mentee Survey


Summary of all Schools

In order to comply with grant evaluation requirements we need you to complete the following survey and return it to the Career Ladder office by May 18. The survey information will also be used for program improvements.


1. Was the training provided prior to the start of school helpful to your? How? What would have made it more helpful?

SHS: Yes, having taken SC 1599 and worked with teachers of many different disciplines I got a really good understanding of how this type of activity can help my students get "The Whole Picture" What would have been more helpful to me would have been less stress on the mathematical component of white boarding as well as more practice in my content areas "Geology, weather, etc...."

SHS: The training was useful because it was a nice introduction to technology in teaching.

SHS: Yes, it helped me become familiar with my school and I appreciated the time to get to know the other new teachers.

CHS: Yes, Some of the activities where actually put into play inquiry methods gave me a clearer idea of what we were hoping to accomplish. More time to spend discussing some specific ideas might have been helpful.

CHS: Yes I got may ideas from there it would be helpful if we saw some more videotapes throughout the year that pertained to my area MATH.

CHS: It was helpful, gave good ideas on using technology and white boards. A couple of meetings or workshops during the year would be helpful.

FHS: The training was not adequate enough to make changes in the way teachers teach if that was your goal.

FHS: Yes, the training at the start of school was helpful in describing the AZTEC program, but I was so overwhelmed with other training at the time . It would have been helpful to have the training 2 or 3 weeks into the semester.

DeMiguel: It’s hard to remember....I guess it was helpful in understanding the observation instrument and what would be thought of as an "ideal" lesson.

DeMiguel: I did not go through training. I feel that training would have helped explain this program, instead of feeling our way through. But sufficient time is needed to plan for training.

DeMiguel: I did not receive training prior to the start of school.

DeMiguel: There was no training prior to the start of the school year offered for me & my partner.

DeMiguel: RTOP Training? To brief to completely understand the evaluation instrument. The new teacher training regarding DAP was especially helpful.

DeMiguel: I wasn’t able to attend.

DeMiguel: I did not take this training. No notice was given until school started.

DeMiguel: I wasn’t able to attend.If I could have been notified well in advance, I wouldn’t have scheduled a meeting for the date that was chosen. Also, provide more than one date. I was only notified of one time.

DeMiguel: Yes. The teachers who had no training were lost. I knew what to expect with the RTOP.

DeMiguel: I did not receive any prior training to the start of school. We were given the RTOP training guide at our initial meeting.

DeMiguel: I received no training prior to the start of school.

Knoles: Helpful, in that it gave me"permission" to try non traditional methods of teaching math.

Knoles: Helpful? Yes, but would prefer it to occur during the summer, so that I could have planned to incorporate the ideas into my curriculum prior to school starting.

Christensen: Somewhat, but I was already familiar with the FOSS Science kits. Had used them for 6 years.

Christensen: I did not find it helpful, and there was not a lot of follow up.

Kinsey : It has helped with the things the teachers need to know outside the classroom.

Kinsey: Yes, I thought the video was very helpful in identifying excellent and not so excellent classroom inquiry based instruction.

Kinsey: Didn’t attend I was not aware I would be mentoring at the time.

Kinsey: I was hired late and did not receive the training.

FMS: Did not attend training.

FMS: Yes, Meeting with other science teachers in the district to discuss ideas was a big help.

Killip: No training with mentor prior to school.

Killip: The absolute ONLY training I received this entire year was with my Killip mentor Kathy Bernhart.

MEMS: Training was adequate.

MEMS: Somewhat, a hands-on workshop.

MEMS: Yes, examples of group work, and examples of what might be mistaken for reformed teaching but is not.

MEMS: Yes, it was helpful to see another teacher. (Dave Thompson) present and see how he used white boards. I feel like at the end of the training I still had no idea of what AZTEC is and/or what the purpose of the program was.

Cromer: My mentor outlined the program for me and got me up and running. I was unable to attend the district workshop it would have been helpful to have more notice and a later start (in the day) in order to arrange my schedule to attend.

Cromer: Our mentor provided the basics of the program and outlined the goals and expectations. We continued to meet throughout the year as questions arose. The workshops were at a time and place that made it very difficult for me to attend coming from Cromer school with a dismissal time at 3:15.

Cromer: It was helpful but the examples shown on the video were (elementary for the negative example and then High school for the positive example) I would like to see more RTOP primary examples before starting at the 1st of the year. Use as an introduction.

Cromer: The training was helpful by showing great examples and poor examples. It felt too brief and rushed. Teaching it in two parts one for example and one for practice would have been more effective. Maybe giving us a practice lesson to work on between sessions.

Leupp: No. to make it more helpful it would need to be explained in more detail. No feedback what so ever.

Leupp: The training was helpful, but overwhelming because I am a new teacher. The schools should do the training, that way we focus on only our school.

Leupp: Yes, I had worked with Susan Holiday on a collaboration project more supplies.

Marshall: The training was helpful. We got together as a team and went over RTOP carefully to develop strategies for our units. Sub-time would have been helpful.

Marshall: The actual training was helpful but I felt there was no follow through from AZTEC (NAU) personnel.

Marshall: The training was helpful. We got together as a team and went over the RTOP carefully to develop strategies for our units. Sub-time would have been helpful.

Marshall: Yes, it was helpful. Our team trained on RTOP strategies and philosophy. We developed our plan.

Sechrist: Yes, because of the video which demonstrated the process. More helpful.

Sechrist: Yes, the training motivated me to teach to the standard presented at the workshop.

South Beaver: Yes as far as how to use a kit but I didn’t feel it needed to take as many hours. To see every kit used. The other experiments were nice but not when it cost the teachers money.

South Beaver: Did not participate.

Thomas: The training was very limited. I didn’t feel like I learned enough prior to the program.

Thomas: I wasn’t aware there was training available prior to school. There was training at our school, which was helpful. The video showing a high school lesson seemed to engage the students more than the elementary level.

Thomas: Yes, pretty much. I like viewing the teachers on tape and evaluating them ourselves. I would have liked more clarification on RTOP methods.

Weitzel: I was not able to attend training due to a class.

Weitzel: Not really. Seemed t be chaotic and not very well organized. Directions not stated clearly.

2. Did participation in this program benefit you this year?

SHS: Yes, it helped me let go of "being the teacher" and let my students rise to the occasion.

SHS: My mentor was a big help whenever I had questions about teaching techniques.

SHS: Yes, Molly was an excellent resource. I also felt the discussion on $, subs, retirement etc was also beneficial.

CHS: Yes. I was given enough information to begin a successful implementation of these techniques in my classes.

CHS: Yes, it was great to know there were people around to help and be supportive all the time.

CHS: I incorporated more inquiry and use of white boards.

FHS: I was unclear with the expectations of the program. I have already taught for 10 years and am already exploring different ways and aspects of teaching.

FHS: I honestly can’t say that I drastically changed my teaching as a result of this program. I feel that the teaching methods taught I regular use fit well with the goals of AZTEC, and therefore I made few changes. I use white boards more often though.

DeMiguel: Yes, discussions with other mentees and mentors.

DeMiguel: I really felt like I concentrated on Math and individual math skills of each student. It benefited me and my students.

DeMiguel: Yes, my mentor and I went step-by-step through the AZ Science Standards. That was tremendously helpful.

DeMiguel: The benefit was sitting down with Mary Lara and going over the Science standards one by one. That was helpful!

DeMiguel: AZTEC Program? Not really helpful except for the stipend. It did cause me to thoroughly examine the science standards.

DeMiguel: Yes, It was a compliment to what I do normally and my Career Ladder focus this year. Special education protocol emphasizes pretesting direct instruction and post testing with a focus on tracking student progress. My Students made very good gains.

DeMiguel: Yes, this program kept me focused on Math goals for my students. The collaboration with mentor and other teachers was very helpful and valuable for goal setting and ideas.

DeMiguel: Yes, this program benefited my students. Academically they are much further ahead then any other sixth grade class I’ve taught.

DeMiguel: Yes going through the standards one by one w/someone else (mentor)

DeMiguel: My team coordinated RTOP with our Career Ladder Goals. Our team decided to focus on Math goals to meet RTOP and Career Ladder goals. Because of the Math focus we did more assessing of math progress. We also focused on strengthening our Math program for high achieving students while pushing the other along.

DeMiguel: This program caused me to look more eclosely at my methods in teaching math and evaluate how I could use manipulataives more. The use of manipulatives did improve the comprehension of my students.

Knoles: Yes, I got the support I needed to try new methods and teach out of normal sequence when it matched maturational levels of students.

Knoles: Collaboration win Jan very positive lots of ideas, guidance to understand use of FOSS Kits experiments hands on science.

Christensen: Not really we didn’t have much time together to discuss things.

Christensen: Not really

Kinsey: It was fine but the participation was the key factor.

Kinsey: The program benefited me in the following ways,it set an expectation for quality instruction it gave me resources (people and materials) to improve my instruction and it promoted reflection on my teaching.

Kinsey: Yes, It was a great review of rules and regs State and District wide.

Kinsey: Yes, My mentors offered a lot of support and materials.

FMS: Yes, meeting regularly with another math teacher was extremely helpful as a first time math teacher. I also liked using the white boards.

FMS: Yes, My mentor did a great job checking with me about my progress.

Killip: Extremely. This program gave me more ideas to use during math. Different way to approach concepts and alternative teaching methods.

Killip: The benefit to me was getting to know Kathy. Unfortunately, I never saw nor heard from anyone else regarding this project.

MEMS: Yes, I did a lot of reflecting which resulted in a lot of improving of teaching, learning.

MEMS: Yes, I was able to use another method of teaching.

MEMS: Yes, I had ideas about what I’d like to try. The white boards are very, very useful in implementing some of those ideas. Groups: Problem solving strategies, order of operations Group tries longhand on white board, then calculate to see if answers match. Problem solving; Big group projects outline steps in solving complex problems.

MEMS: Yes. The chance to work closely with my mentor and other mentees was wonderful and the white boards are an invaluable teaching tool. I feel like I have and will continue to get better at providing valuable learning experiences for students with white boards.

Cromer: Yes, it provided/prompted me to have the students work in groups more often and offered more opportunity for student guided activities.

Cromer: Yes gave more ideas for student participation and lesson development. Assisted in student problem solving and creativity.

Cromer: Yes, very much so It made me think of how to involve all my students more. I used the RTOP for planning and instruction. Make instruction more student centered.

Cromer: Yes. The interaction with my mentor was very helpful. The white boars came in very handy and were effective. The children opened up to the lessons where they explored the information instead of just being lectured.

Leupp: No

Leupp: Yes, I had to be involved with the curriculum and other areas I wasn’t familiar with.

Leupp: Yes and so did Mrs Holiday we both video taped our class lessons. The student really enjoyed the architect lesson.

Marshall: The participation was very helpful. It allowed for in depth planning of units. We were able to plan lessons that were closely aligned with the DAP to insure student success.

Marshall: This opportunity pushed me in to teaching (working) more in a area I don’t feel comfortable.

Marshall: The participation was very helpful. It allowed for in depth planning of units. We were able to plan lessons that were closely aligned with the DAP to insure student success.

Marshall: Yes, it gave me a chance to work with curriculum and assessment in depth in 2 grade levels (2nd and 4th).

Sechrist: Yes, it was great.

Sechrist: Yes, I really was excited to receive Web sites and support from my mentor this first year @ Sechrsit.

South Beaver: Yes Get science going in my room and to adjust for next year.

South Beaver: Yes, because it helped me focus on certain areas such as pre-assessment and post assessment. I valued the input of the Career Ladder mentor. It also helped me look at areas I hadn’t considered.

Thomas: It benefited me somewhat. I had one observation that was very informative. I was unsure about the Math concepts that I was supposed to show for the AZTEC program.

Thomas: Yes, The program assisted me in curricula that I need help science. the observations we did as a group and collaboration we had kept all of us focused and evaluating our work.

Thomas: Yes, I benefited from this program the most by meeting with other AZTEC members at my school to discuss methods and what has worked in our classrooms using the RTOP methods.

Weitzel: Yes Mentor teachers were great. I love and use the white boards.

Weitzel: Mentor teachers were very helpful. White boards have been used extensively by all my students & me.

3. Describe your relationship with your mentor.

SHS: Kathy Flaccus is a genius! Her wealth of knowledge and experience both in and outside of teaching has been a marvelous inspiration and resource to me this school year.

SHS: My relationship with my mentor is very good. She helps whenever I have questions.

SHS: She has been an excellent resource and has told me how things run. I truly appreciate having Molly as my mentor.

CHS: Excellent

CHS: Carol has been extremely helpful. She has been very positive and supportive throughout the school year. She gave me ideas, advice, and guidance.

CHS: We are good friends. I can talk easily with him.

FHS: We never really met except at lunch a few times.

FHS: Since I had previous teaching experience before being hired by FUSD, I did not need much help from my mentor. When I did need help/advice though my mentor was able to provide what I needed.

DeMiguel: We met periodically to discuss implementation of National Standards We also collaborated on several presentation at NSTA -St Louis.

DeMiguel: Trish was very helpful. She helped us talk through planning and assessment. Having her meet with us kept us focused and on track.

DeMiguel: My mentor Mary Lara, was wonderful to work with. She was always available for ideas and discussion.

DeMiguel: Mary makes herself (and her wonderful resources) very available. She’s wonderful!

DeMiguel: AZTEC Mentor? We met on a few occasions and my mentor was helpful and supportive, answering any questions I had.

DeMiguel: She was very supportive and ready to assist whenever needed. We met regularly and showed, which was beneficial.

DeMiguel: My relationship with my mentor was great. It was nice to meet regular and discuss math goals and ideas.

DeMiguel: Trish was always enthused about what we were doing. She gave suggestions that were appropriate and made recommendations if we needed further guidance.

DeMiguel: Mary was very helpful and always available to provide more assistance.

DeMiguel: Trish was very supportive. She was very interested in our progress in meeting math goals for Career Ladder. She wanted to know what we were doing in math in kindergarten.

DeMiguel: Tricia Roach & I communicated regularly both formally and informally. We could be totally honest with one another. She was very helpful and easy to work with.

Knoles: Supportive & positive, open honest, flexible

Knoles: Very accepting, supportive encouraging always positive, shared ideas and materials.

Christensen: Excellent, I can go to them at any time for help. They are very accommodating and helpful.

Christensen: The mentor always made sure to keep the lines of communication open and I always felt if I needed assistance I could turn there.

Kinsey: We worked well together even though we had different classroom ideas.

Kinsey: My AZTEC mentor aided my classroom instruction by helping me locate resources for Science & Math instruction and giving me feedback on both scientific principles and teaching approaches.

Kinsey: We have really been professional and supportive of each other. Now a friend.

Kinsey: Strong and comfortable

FMS: Great Lita is a fantastic mentor who has also become a friend. She not only assists me with math teaching techniques, but also with other classroom teaching issues, she tried very hard to make sure that I get help when I need it.

FMS: Robert is very informative and eager to help.

Killip: Very close, Mrs Tucker was always there if I had any questions or concerns.

Killip: Very good. Kathy has been extremely helpful by offering to share her knowledge of teaching science as well as her supplies and her time.

MEMS: Our relationship is very open and honest. We give/receive advice freely and share ideas daily!

MEMS: Excellent, a helpful person.

MEMS: Mentor is very knowledgeable and willing to listen and offer advice.

MEMS: My mentor is extremely experienced, open and supportive. I love working with her.

Cromer: Great! Scott is very approachable and willing to answer questions and five suggestions when I needed help.

Cromer: Very comfortable! He has an open door policy and is always willing to take time out to share his ideas and answer questions.

Cromer: A Great relationship! I enjoyed the time use spent going over ideas and the RTOP. I wish we had more compatible schedules.

Cromer: My mentor was very open to suggestions and questions. She shared her lessons and how they improved. we spent time together discussing the most effective ways to get the children to be successful.

Leupp: Good

Leupp: My mentor was very helpful and patient with me. I felt comfortable asking her questions I was unfamiliar with.

Leupp: We have a great relationship and w talk daily helping each other out on the computers.

Marshall: Joan Gutter and I have worked together for years. I have always admired her mental math techniques. I feel that we work well together.

Marshall: Russ Kasch was awesome! I could not have asked for a better person to assist and guide me. He was there weekly and went out of his way to make this a successful experience.

Marshall: Joan Guetter and I have worked together for years. I have always admired her mental math techniques. I feel that we work well together.

Marshall: Jopi Guetter was my mentor. She has such a vast knowledge of math. I learned so much from her this year.

Sechrist: Great working relationship, he teaches 1st and I teach TAG Great input.

Sechrist: My mentor checked with me often and always brought ideas of things to do that related to what I was teaching at the time.

South Beaver: Need them much at the beginning but was able to not use them as much toward the end. He was informative.

South Beaver: She was very interested, cooperative and had very good ideas.

Thomas: My mentor and I had some meetings. It was difficult to meet but we worked it out.

Thomas: My mentor was great we met and assessed on a regular basis. We had great success with our school science fair. Our effort may have overshadowed our complete understanding and implementation of RTOP.

Thomas: My mentor, Rick Treadway, is on my team we both teach 6th grade and do a lot together with our classes. We switch for Social Studies and Math, attend field trips together and plan.

Weitzel: Teachers were great always there for me.

Weitzel: Excellent Have collaborated on other projects as well as RTOP.

4. What would you recommend to improve the effectiveness of this program?

SHS: Practicing with other teachers in my discipline area to develop curriculum specifically for what I teach.

SHS: More structured mentor/mentee meetings.

SHS: Help session maybe after the 1st week to ask questions.

CHS: I would d like an opportunity for additional training. Maybe at the end of the year we could get together as a group and discuss what we did that was successful etc.

CHS: Like I said before, I would have greatly benefited from observing other teachers use of white boards and teaching techniques in math.

CHS: Workshops on use of technology meeting once/semester to share ideas on how we can further the use of technology.

FHS: First year teachers or new to the district spend their first year becoming oriented with so many things that making changes or implementing something new can seem overwhelming. This program should be open to teachers that want to change or enhance their teaching with RTOP.

FHS: Make sure each teacher is evaluated, preferably during the first semester. As stated above, delay training for a few weeks. Have follow up training/meetings.

DeMiguel: The "Christmas assignment" was a surprise, and came with no ceremony. It would have been nice to have it sent to the email address I actually use.

DeMiguel: Information on program and expectations solid and structured. Program should be flexible for a variety of levels. I felt like primary classes were not really considered.

DeMiguel: The pre-observation and evaluation made no sense. I didn’t know what the observer, who I never met with, was saying in the evaluation.

DeMiguel: The instrument used for evaluation was completely unfamiliar to me. The the feedback we got from the evaluation was useless. I would have appreciated real and useful feedback re: my teaching.

DeMiguel: Well, I’m uncertain about the exact purpose of the program. Now I’m only using the state science standards but earlier when I was using the RTOP I had some trouble.

DeMiguel: The initial observation and resulting feedback was somewhat confusing. I think it would have helped to have had the opportunity to pre conference and post conference with the observer. The nature of my program and my kids needs in not always understandable from a one time snapshot.

DeMiguel: This program seemed to be more focused for the intermediate and older grades. The screening instrument seemed to be more focused for the older grades.

DeMiguel: Feedback from the person who actually observed us. A pre conference and a post conference would have been extremely helpful.

DeMiguel: More time for evaluator and mentee to talk.

DeMiguel: Training in understanding the language of the RTOP observation guide.

DeMiguel: Some professional development/training days that would help us understand the skills? techniques that evaluators were looking for would have helped. It would also help if evaluators/supervisors helped us find resources to use in meeting our goals.

Knoles: There weren’t a lot of guidelines, but that may be why it felt successful.

Knoles: Stop using lecture and video. Change to: Workshop with activities aligned to the science kits FOSS, GEMS for participants? Various grade levels and the leader of each activity is modeling the approach that the AZTEC team thinks is best way to teach science ie run the session as you would like to see us run it in classrooms at schools. Active learning is better.

Christensen: More guidelines about meeting times, etc. It was a bit vague for all of us I think.

Christensen: A set schedule to meet. (one that is required)

Kinsey: The only problem was that I came to school early and she stayed late.

Kinsey: I would welcome an opportunity to have some "kit training" that would include not only Science concepts but also process and cooperative learning strategies that would benefit my instruction.

Kinsey: I would have preferred to go to the training so I cannot really answer this question.

Kinsey: Maybe late training for last minute hiring.

FMS: I’m pretty unclear bout this program in general. It could be because I didn’t attend the summer training... I do not understand the program’s goals, structure, ore how the effectiveness of the program is assessed. I also don’t under stand why I was evaluated earlier this year. We were given little notice from the evaluators, and I received no feedback as well. Will I be evaluated again? Overall, being able to work with Lita has been very helpful and beneficial to me. The rest of the program, however, I have not understood or benefited from.

FMS: More lab materials and activities to build from.

Killip: Nothing

Killip: More communication between AZTEC and the participants.

MEMS: More follow up.

MEMS: A workshop prior to the school year.

MEMS: Time strategies: with 45 minutes per day 180 days to teach cover over 200 skills it is hard to find the time to implement the better models of instruction It isn’t that teachers don’t "know how" to use more experimental lessons but how to fit it in with the time constraint and still get all the standards covered and the emphasis on vocabulary and................

MEMS: More, clear communication of expectations, goals and areas where participants could be proactive about getting needs met. More, clear communication (and timely?) about RTOP and when/if observations will occur.

Cromer: Advance notice for workshops (more) Maybe a newsletter/memo of what other sin the AZTEC program are doing (ie ideas)

Cromer: Advance notice later time for district workshops.Written ideas/lessons that other teacher have found successful and how to continue expanding the program.

Cromer: For younger primary grades gear more towards science.

Cromer: I would have liked to have had my lessons observed and received feedback. A different meeting into the program would have been helpful to share with other mentees how they were doing.

Leupp: More help/training provided to mentor, I don't think they were given enough information to give the mentee’s.

Leupp: I am not sure at this time because I am at level I.

Leupp: ? I think that the program is effective. You guys are doing a great job!

Marshall: I would recommend sub time for planning That was a challenge, finding a common time that we could meet.

Marshall: I feel the mentees need release time to work in the classroom with their assigned mentor.

Marshall: I would recommend sub time for planning. That was a challenge finding a common time that we could meet.

Marshall: I would recommend sub time which would allow for team teaching, observations and planning.

Sechrist: More guidelines!

Sechrist: I hope this program can be continued because of the support to teachers that are not strong in the science

department. More time to develop lesson plans would be great!

South Beaver: Don’t make training as long. Show the basics of each kit. Have available source ideas for other experiments outside of the kits. Books, magazines, and web sites. More feedback from top people on where we should be every couple of months. Feedback from evaluation would be nice.

South Beaver: Nothing at the moment.

Thomas: I think more structure (like Career ladder SPAR programs) would help me but the somewhat "relaxed" atmosphere indicated less pressure.

Thomas: I would appreciate more training and help in implementing the RTOP method I would also appreciate some feedback and evaluation of my job. how I’m doing and what I need to work on. I might also like to see a model lesson done to observe first hand a lesson being done.

Thomas: I would have liked feed back. I was observed teaching science. The observer took notes throughout my lesson. However, I never got any kind of response back on improvements I could make, or things I did positively.

Weitzel: Clearer directions in the beginning as to what is excepted of us.

Weitzel: Better directions in the beginning, as well as clear expectations At the start of the year.

5. Would you be willing to have your teaching video taped?

SHS: Absolutely we are speeding towards the end of the school year so you better get her quick!

SHS: Sure

SHS: I wouldn’t mind.

CHS: Yes

CHS: That would be okay.

CHS: If I have pre notification

DeMiguel: Yes. But not until next year our last kit was just completed.

DeMiguel: No

DeMiguel: No

DeMiguel: No

DeMiguel: No, I would feel uncomfortable.

DeMiguel: No due to confidentiality concerns sp.ed. regulations etc.

DeMiguel: No thanks!!

DeMiguel: It would depend on the use of the video tape If it were to be used for say, "America’s Most Wanted" or "Funniest Home Videos" I could have a problem with that audience. In other words , I need more info on this question before I say yes or no.

DeMiguel: No.

DeMiguel: Unsure?

DeMiguel: Yes

Knoles: Not at this point in the year.

Knoles: Not yet 1st year in 2nd grade. Need a few years under my belt for skill development.

Christensen: Sure

Christensen: Not comfortable w/this.

Kinsey: Yes

Kinsey: No

Kinsey: Not at this time.

Kinsey: Yes

FMS: Sure When? The school year is almost over... What will I be evaluated on?

FMS: Yes

Killip: Sure, if needed.

Killip: This is hard to answer as I was never observed by AZTEC personnel.

MEMS: Depends on the use of the tape.


MEMS: No. This does not appeal to me. (I am sorry that when your team came to observe, I was in traditional mode. I’d had listed the wrong class for them to observe.)


Cromer: Yes

Cromer: Yes

Cromer: Yes with prior notice and mentors involvement.

Cromer: Yes

Leupp: Yes( The above comments are for Kathleen Falconer’s and Dan MacIsaac’s program only. I took a math/science AZTEC Math Project from Gae Johnson and learned an incredible amount from her.

Leupp: No, I would rather have the evaluator come and observe my teaching.

Leupp: Of course

Marshall: Yes!

Marshall: Yes

Marshall: Yes!

Marshall: Yes

Sechrist: Possibly!

Sechrist: Not at this time.

South Beaver: Not this year

South Beaver: I would rather not.

Thomas: I would rather not.

Thomas: I would be willing if I felt more familiar and comfortable with the RTOP method.

Thomas: No, I’m camera shy.

Weitzel: I don’t care either way

Weitzel: Depends, would I know ahead of time might be too nervous.