"Wiring the House": Authentic Assessment
Checking circuit diagrams to evaluate student predictions.
Cooperative development of circuit diagrams.
Wiring the house: four bulbs and four switches; each must light independently.
Testing the circuits.
MacIsaac listening to students.
MacIsaac listening to students.
Plotting circuit diagrams.
Choosing wiring connections.
Choosing wiring connections.
Wiring complete, but not yet attached to house.
MacIsaac at overhead projector.
Whole class; students working in small groups.
Discussion of circuit diagram.
Small group discussion and smiles.
MacIsaac talking with students before class.
MacIsaac conferring with students.
MacIsaac checking student circuit diagrams.
MacIsaac checking student circuit diagrams.
MacIsaac checking student circuit diagrams.
"Batteries and Bulbs": Inquiry Exploration
Sackey checking diagrams and supplying materials.
Sackey checking diagrams and supplying materials.
Students experimenting with battery and wire.
Students experimenting with battery and wire.
Students exploring circuit characteristics.
Students exploring circuit characteristics.
Students testing a circuit.
Lit bulb; student ephiphany.
MacIsaac observing student progress.
Falconer listening to students.
MacIsaac describing activity with student.
MacIsaac conferring with student.
Falconer listening to student.