Cutnell & Johnson PHYSICS 6/e

Chapter Two: Kinematics in One Dimension

Galileo and the Mathematics of Motion

Based on "The Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective," a videotape by Joseph W. Dauben, CUNY Graduate Center and Lehman College.
galileo/ars /arshtml/mathofmotion1.html

Examines Galileo's experiments with the inclined plane to study acceleration and gravity, which shows the development of a mathematical study of acceleration.

Galileo Galilei (1546-1642)

An exhibit from the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence (Firenze), Italy.

This site describes the life of Galileo, particularly his work on scientific theory, projectile kinematics, astronomy, telescopy, thermoscopy and the pendulum clock. Artifacts from his life and experiments, as well as his preserved right middle finger are quite interesting. Additional historical information on Galileo is found in the Rice Catalog of the Scientific Community in the 16th and 17th Centuries.

The Interactive Physics Problem Set

contains almost 100 practice problems. Created by Andy Elby and Paul Manly for U.C. Berkeley's Instructional Technology Program. Chapter 3 contains seven practice problems for 1-D motion.

The practice problems are accompanied by detailed solutions and Interactive Physics II computer experiments. The computer experiments only run on Macintosh computers that have Interactive Physics II installed but MPEG movies are available for many of the experiments.

One-Dimensional Kinematics

A physics tutorial from The Physics Classroom Tutorial, at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, IL.

Originally written for high school physics students by Tom Henderson, science teacher at Glenbrook South High School. A good introduction to one-dimensional motion with checking questions, animations, graphs, etc. to help the student understand 1-D motion.

One Dimensional Motion Simulator

produced by Masatoshi Ito, Department of Physics,
Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

This applet simulates a ball in free fall and displays a position vs. time graph, etc. The applet allows you to control many of the initial conditions including gravity. For other applets, check out the Table of Contents with many different scenarios for 1-D motion.

Comments, corrections and suggestions to Dan MacIsaac
CJ 6/e Chapter Index