Updated 7Sep02; all of my own materials are freely redistributable for not-for-profit educational uses. Let me know what you take and use; and please acknowledge any large excerpts. This page is ??? Dan MacIsaac, Ph.D.
Teaching and Advising
Here at Buffalo State I teach courses for future
scientists, engineers, science and physics teachers, including graduate
courses and undergraduate
physics courses for elementary education, science education and physics
teaching majors. I itinerantly teach all introductory lower division
and graduate physics courses including PHY104, 107, 108, 111, 112,
304, 324W,
518, 520,
525, 620,
622, 690, and occasionally I supervise student teachers or independent
research. Some of these courses have webpages
on PhysicsEd.buffalostate.edu.
I advise and manage several programs for teachers and future teachers, including three B.S. programs for future teachers, physics teacher certification for candidates who already have an appropriate B.S. degree, and an M.S.Ed. program in physics education. If you are interested in these programs, please contact me and I'd be happy to assist you. Research Interests My research uses technology and other means to evaluate the effectiveness of reformed teaching methods and develop reformed teaching curricular materials, and examines how teachers develop into reflective practitioners. My research includes publications and streamed digital video helping teachers to use and assess reformed teaching methods in science instruction. Less recently at Northern Arizona University I worked on the evaluation of standardized physics conceptual, achievement and attitudinal instruments via paper and web, and developing short activities for students large lecture theatres I call Seat Experiments. I am interested in the use of technology to foster support communities for science and physics teachers, and I am listowner of PHYS-L. I am also involved with bibliographies of topically-related web sites for physics instruction. My doctorate-level research at Purdue University concentrated on the use of MBL technology in laboratory instruction, and physics education curriculum reform via non-traditional science education research methods such as critical theory based action research. Here is a description of some this kind of physics education research.
I have amassed a number of physics and science education resources for the use of my students and gradeschool science and physics teachers on my webserver http://PhysicsEd.buffalostate.edu and on a previous webserver called http://purcell.phy.nau.edu I operated for several years at Northern Arizona University. Biography
I am a citizen of Canada and permanent resident of the US living in the US since 1991, a graduate of Mount Allison University, the University of British Columbia and Purdue University. I have also worked as physics faculty for IU Kokomo, Purdue University and Northern Arizona University, and I'm very active in the AAPT. Here is a recent abbreviated professional CV. Dan MacIsaac |