Daniel Lawrence MacIsaac (11/10/2008)
SUNY- Buffalo State College
Department of Physics, 222SCIE Bldg, 1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo NY 14222
(716) 878-3802 (W); macisadl@buffalostate.edu;
Ph.D. (1994; Education: Curriculum and
Instruction: Purdue University) Curricular Reformation in Computer-Based
Undergraduate Physics Laboratories via Action Research.
M.S. (1994; Physics; Purdue University) --
Non-thesis option.
M.A. (1991; Science Education; University of
British Columbia) Design and Implementation of MBL in HS Chemistry.
B.Ed. (1986; Secondary Mathematics and
Science Teaching; Mount Allison University).
B.Sc. (1984; Physics; Mount Allison
Professional Academic
Sep 2005-present: Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, SUNY- Buffalo State
College, Buffalo NY 14222. Tenure track faculty teaching introductory physics,
and graduate physics for physics and physical science teachers. I supervise 45 Master of Science in
Education – Physics teaching (MSEd-Physics) program graduate students,
including alt-cert candidates.
Aug 2002- Sep 2005: Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, SUNY- Buffalo State
College, Buffalo NY 14222.
Aug 1996- Aug 02: Assistant Professor of Physics
and Astronomy, Department of
Physics & Astronomy, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff AZ 86011-6010. Coordinated undergrad and Masters' physical science
teachers preparation programs.
Summer 96 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biological and Physical Science,
Indiana University Kokomo.
Jan 95 - Aug 96 Visiting Assistant Professor of
Physics, Department of Physics,
Purdue University.
Jan 91 - Dec 94 Graduate Teaching Assistant and
Aide, Department of Physics,
Purdue University. Development and
preparation of curricular materials for first year physics instruction at
Purdue, instruction, evaluation and tutoring. Supervised labs for approximately
2100+ students/year, including approximately 50 teaching and development
Sept 88 - Dec 90 Graduate Research & Teaching
Assistant, Computers in Education
Research Group, University of British Columbia. Design, construction and evaluation of interfacing
hardware and software, in-school research.
Nov 88 - June 89 Substitute Teacher, Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, BC. Grades 7-12 Science and Mathematics.
Sept 86 - June 88 Full-time Teacher, Ebb and Flow School, Ebb & Flow Indian Reserve
#52, Frontier School Division #48, Manitoba. Adult Evening HS
Equivalency, Astronomy and Microcomputing, Grade 11 & 12 Data Processing,
& CS.
My research expertise is in
physics learning and education, including physics teacher preparation. My
interests include instruction via extraordinary levels of student centered
discourse-intensive activity, inquiry-based physics learning, use of language
in physics learning, use of mental models in physics learning, Modeling
Physics, the attitudes and abilities of pre-service physics teachers, the
cross-certification of science teachers to physics, the alternative
certification of STEM professionals to physics teaching.
I am or have been recently active in the
AAPT (committee, appointments), NSTA, ASTA (board); member of AETS, NARST, AERA
& APS (committee). Chaired or
supervised over seventy-five physics education masters defenses and projects,
invited external opponent for two physics education Ph.D. defenses, student
advisor for over seventy undergraduate and graduate students in the past six
years. Regular reviewer for three
peer-reviewed journals (board), three annual grant competitions, and NSF STEM /
SBIR programs. PHYS-L electronic
list owner since 1998. High School
teacher certified in three Canadian provinces.
Saeli, S. & MacIsaac, D.L. (2007). Using
gravitational analogies to introduce elementary electrical field theory
concepts. The Physics Teacher, 45(2), 104-108.
Lui, X. & MacIsaac, D.L. (2005). An investigation
of factors affecting the degree of na•ve impetus theory application.
Journal of Science Education & Technology, 14(1), 101-116.
MacIsaac, D.L., Henry, D., Zawicki, J.L.
Beery, D. & Falconer, K. (2004). A new model alternative certification
program for high school physics teachers: New pathways to physics teacher
certification at SUNY-Buffalo State College. Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online, 2(2) 10-12.
MacIsaac, D.L. & Falconer, K.A. (2002). Reform your teaching via the Reformed
Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP).
The Physics Teacher, 40
(8), 479. <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.edu/pubs/TPT/TPTNov02RTOP/>.
Bodner, G., MacIsaac, D. & White, S. (1999). Action research: Overcoming the sports
mentality approach to assessment / evaluation. University Chemistry
Education, 3(1), 31-36. <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.edu/pubs/UCE_Sep99_3(1)p31_AR.pdf>
MacIsaac, D.L., & Falconer, K.A. (2001). Using the
Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) as a catalyst for self-reflective
change in secondary science teaching. AERA Division K 2001. <http://SearchERIC.org/>;
Zawicki, J., MacIsaac, D.L., Henry, D., McMillen, S.
& Wilson, D.C. (2004). NSF-0434103: NSF-Noyce Western New York Partnership
for New Science and Mathematics Teachers.
Unpublished proposal to the National Science Foundation Noyce
Scholarship program awarded $462k over four years. Available from the authors.
MacIsaac, D.L., Henry, D., Plumb, M.F., & Josef,
C.K. (2003). DUE-0302097: The physics teaching pathways coalition: Alternative pathways to physics
and general science teaching certification. Unpublished proposal to the National Science Foundation
Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teacher Preparation (STEMTP)
program awarded $503k over four years. Available from the authors.