SUNY- Buffalo State Graduate Courses for Physics
TENTATIVE 2005-6 offerings.
Other courses will be offered as sufficient demand occurs
See <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.Edu/programs> or contact <> or Dr. Dan MacIsaac at (716) 878-3802 for details; M.S.Ed. (Physics); M.S.Ed. (Physics with NYSED Alternative Certification) program entry, syllabi, scholarships etc.
PHY500 (3cr): Intro to Physics Education Research ONLINE
PHY507+EDU671 (3+3cr): K-8 Physics + Sci Curr ARR SAT+TUES EVES
PHY520 (3cr): Modern Phys for Teachers WEDS EVES
PHY690 (3cr): Masters' Project ONLINE
SCI685 (3cr): Eval in Sci Educ ONLINE
PHY507+EDU671 (3+3cr): K-8 Physics + Sci Curr 11JUL-22JUL
PHY510 (6cr): New Physics Teachers' Workshop 24JUL-5AUG
PHY622 (6cr): Modeling E&M for Teachers 5JUL-22JUL
PHY502 (3cr): Alt Cert Tchg Supervision ARRANGED
PHY525 (3cr): Particle and Nuclear Physics for HS Tchrs TUES EVES
PHY690 (3cr): Masters' Project ONLINE
PHY500 (3cr): Intro to Physics Education Research ONLINE
PHY502 (3cr): Alt Cert Tchg Supervision ARRANGED
PHY518 (3cr): Waves & Optics for HS Tchrs TUES EVES
PHY690 (3cr): Masters' Project ONLINE
PHY507+EDU671 (3+3cr): K-8 Physics + Sci Curr 7AUG-18AUG
PHY510 (6cr): New Physics Teachers' Workshop 9JUL-21JUL
PHY620 (6cr): Modeling Mechanics for Teachers 30JUL-16AUG
PHY502 (3cr): Alt Cert Tchg Supervision ARRANGED
PHY520 (3cr): Modern Phys for Teachers TUES EVES
PHY690 (3cr): Masters' Project ONLINE
Selected Graduate Physics for Teachers Course
(3+3cr) Physics for NYS K-8 Teachers +.
10 days: MTWRF Summers only (also some Springs by demand). Taught by Kathleen Falconer, M.S.,
M.S.Ed. and colleagues. This course is specifically designed for elementary and
middle school teachers interested in gaining confidence in their understanding
of the nature of physical science. This course will focus on a few major
understandings, including socially constructed definitions of force, gravity,
balancing forces, buoyancy and flying, density, energy and simple machines.
Taught via reformed teaching methods so as to teach both content and pedagogy. Includes a graduate research project.
(6cr) Powerful Ideas & Quantitative Modeling in Mechanics. 13 days; MTWRF Summers only. Taught by Dr. Dan MacIsaac, Dr. Dewayne Beery and
colleagues, designed for MS/HS physics teachers interested in teaching force,
motion and energy using a modeling curriculum. Teachers in this course will
work through the renowned Modeling Physics curriculum as modified to meet NYS
Core Curriculum needs as both students and teachers, learning modeling pedagogy
and the use of modeling methods such as white boarding, system schema and
energy pie charts and more. Taught via reformed teaching methods.
(6cr) Powerful Ideas & Quantitative Modeling in Electricity &
Magnetism. 13 days; MTWRF Summers
only. Taught by Dr. Dan MacIsaac, Dr.
Dewayne Beery and colleagues, designed for MS/HS physics teachers interested in
teaching electricity and magnetism using a modeling curriculum. Teachers in
this course will work through the renowned Modeling Physics curriculum as
modified to meet NYS Core Curriculum needs as both students and teachers,
learning modeling pedagogy and the use of modeling methods such as white
boarding, system schema, energy pie charts and more. Taught via reformed
teaching methods.
(6cr) Process Skills in Physics Teaching for New Physics Teachers. 10days; MTWRF, Summers only. Taught by Dr. David
Henry, Dr. Joe Zawicki and colleagues, content and pedagogy designed for new
physics teachers. Previously known as the institute for new physics teachers,
this acclaimed workshop presents an introduction to the physics, activities and
curricular issues faced by newly assigned physics teachers.
(3cr) Physics Education Research Seminar. ONLINE BSC Distance Educ System.
A practical introductory guide to PER scholarship for MS/HS physics
PHY690 (3cr) M.S.Ed.
Masters Project. ONLINE BSC Distance
Educ System. Conducted by Dr. Dan
MacIsaac, penultimate scholarly activity for the M.S.Ed. (Physics) degrees,
culminating in web or paper-published manuscript. By instructor's permission, for degree candidates.
(3cr) Waves and Optics for HS Teachers. Tuesday
evenings 5:00-8:00pm, BSC Campus. Content review for the NYSED physics CST exam
with pedagogical methods for MS/HS physics teachers. Taught by BSC physics faculty.
(3cr) Nuclear & Particle Physics for HS Teachers. Tuesday eves 5:00-8:00pm, BSC Campus. Content review
for the NYSED physics CST exam with pedagogical methods for MS/HS physics
teachers. Taught by BSC physics faculty.
(3cr) Nuclear & Particle Physics for HS Teachers. Tues or Weds eves 5:00-8:00pm, BSC Campus. Content
review for the NYSED physics CST exam with pedagogical methods for MS/HS
physics teachers. Taught by BSC physics faculty.