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g0.666667 g1 g1 g1 g0.666667 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 root Region 1 Region 2 2001 27 55 2002 36 43 2003 63 80 2004 143 48 g1 g0.666667 g1 g1 g1 g0.666667 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 g1 dictionary 919 83 CPTextProperty CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 364 386 0 386 121.333 386 0 257.333 121.333 257.333 121.333 386 242.667 386 121.333 257.333 242.667 257.333 242.667 386 364 386 242.667 257.333 364 257.333 0 257.333 121.333 257.333 0 128.667 121.333 128.667 121.333 257.333 242.667 257.333 121.333 128.667 242.667 128.667 242.667 257.333 364 257.333 242.667 128.667 364 128.667 0 128.667 121.333 128.667 0 0 121.333 0 121.333 128.667 242.667 128.667 121.333 0 242.667 0 242.667 128.667 364 128.667 242.667 0 364 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 919 41 dictionary 0 0 650 420 root Region 1 Region 2 2001 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0 822 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 673 351 dictionary 0 0 673 351 dictionary 919 40 dictionary 0 0 673 351 dictionary 0 0 673 351 dictionary 0 0 674 352 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 CPTextProperty CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 346 450 0 450 115.333 450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 CPTextProperty CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 346 450 0 450 115.333 450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 717 470 dictionary 0 0 717 470 dictionary 0 0 717 470 CPTextProperty CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 771 608 0 608 257 608 0 405.333 257 405.333 257 608 514 608 257 405.333 514 405.333 514 608 771 608 514 405.333 771 405.333 0 405.333 257 405.333 0 202.667 257 202.667 257 405.333 514 405.333 257 202.667 514 202.667 514 405.333 771 405.333 514 202.667 771 202.667 0 202.667 257 202.667 0 0 257 0 257 202.667 514 202.667 257 0 514 0 514 202.667 771 202.667 514 0 771 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 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450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 CPTextProperty chalkboard CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 346 450 0 450 115.333 450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 CPTextProperty chalkboard CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 346 450 0 450 115.333 450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <styles> <fill-style fill-type="none"/> <dash-style pattern="none"/> <shadow-style opacity="0" radius="0"/> </styles> dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 CPTextProperty chalkboard CPStrokePatternProperty CPCellOpacityProperty 1 CPFillProperty CPBorderOpacityProperty 1 TableNodeSnapShotProperty1 1.2 346 450 0 450 115.333 450 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 115.333 450 230.667 450 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 230.667 450 346 450 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 0 299.999 115.333 299.999 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 115.333 299.999 230.667 299.999 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 230.667 299.999 346 299.999 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 0 150.001 115.333 150.001 0 0 115.333 0 115.333 150.001 230.667 150.001 115.333 0 230.667 0 230.667 150.001 346 150.001 230.667 0 346 0 CPBorderColorProperty g1 version 1 CPVerticalAlignmentProperty 2 CPStrokeWidthProperty 2 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 443 36 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 319 278 dictionary 0 0 316 275 <body visibility="tracks-master" location="100 347" size="824 394" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st0.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Is understanding really the point of physics teaching?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Boise State University</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Boise, ID 83725-1570</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Joint NYSS APS AAPT Spring Symposium 2004</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">“What Physics Education Research says to Physicists & Physics Educators”</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Buffalo State College 16 - 17 April</content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 574" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 164" id="body-1"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="none" duration="0"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st1.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Acknowledgments</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Some data collected in projects funded by NSF and FIPSE</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Some data from work on the AAPT/APS Powerful Ideas in Physical Science (PIPS) Project (NSF funded)]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Interactions with many colleagues in PER</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Some are here today...many thanks</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Interactions with many, many students</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">to whom I owe the greatest debt.</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-1"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 452" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 232" id="body-2"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st2.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Why teach physics?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Students should be in possession of a way to understand each phenomenon studied which they did not have when they started their study of those phenomena.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Not just certain students, but all students</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-2"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="100 16" size="824 667" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st3.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Is this goal of new understanding generally accomplished?</content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 534" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 216" id="body-3"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st4.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Students’ and Teachers’ Conceptions in Science</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[A bibliography kept by Reinders Duit’s group at the Institute for Science Education (IPN) at the University of Kiel in Germany]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">Just updated (Mar, 2004) containing 6314 entries</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Not a PER bibliography, but a focussed bibliography of work on conceptions in Science]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">Can be downloaded from</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.8 0" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"><></content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="0.987654 1 1" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">a quick stroll through the bibliography...</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-3"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> 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font-name="Chalkboard">Entries in:</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Earth Science</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The “modern” era of this work dates back to the ‘70’s when science educators began to take the work of Piaget and his group into account.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[People began to do individual demonstration interviews similar to those conducted at Piaget’s Institute for Genetic Epistemology in Geneva.]]> 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late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[People working in physics found evidence of students’ pre-instruction conceptions hardly changing at all as a result of standard instruction.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Here is a sample...</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-5"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="57 16" size="900 60" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" 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level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Early Modern PER Work</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-1"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-2"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="textbox-1"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 452" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 242" id="body-6"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st8.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Students’ and Teachers’ Conceptions in Science</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Thorough documentation that <span font-color="1 0.0486615 0.0840381">very little conceptual change occurs</span> in normal instruction even after multiple treatments</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Findings duplicated in <span font-color="1 0.0473807 0.106368">every</span> study of conceptual change</content> </bullet> <bullet level="3" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">...on <span font-color="1 0.058809 0.129618">every</span> topic studied...</content> </bullet> <bullet level="3" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">...over the <span font-color="1 0.0454626 0.1281">whole</span> of the 20th century.</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-6"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" id="body-7" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st9.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Students’ and Teachers’ Conceptions in Science</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The notion that these pre-instruction conceptions are very resistant to change was repeated often in the literature.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">...and still is being repeated...</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-7"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="100 16" size="824 84" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 644" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 94" id="body-8"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st10.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">Conceptions Resistant to Change?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[We know now this is an error of omission. Other explanations exist. The findings that the conceptions do not change could be because...]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="45.9639" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[(1) the conceptions themselves are resistant to change, in which case maybe we should not set as our goal as changed understanding for all or]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="49.5809" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[(2) there is so little change in conceptions because only certain people who have worked diligently can actually accomplish these changes, in which case we cannot set our goal as changed understanding for all or]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="50.7865" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[(3) the conceptions have not changed because the “treatment” (in this case, normal, content-driven instruction) is ineffective, in which case another “treatment” (an entirely different pedagogy) might be much more effective.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="3" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">In other words, neither the conceptions, nor the students are the “problem.” <span font-color="1 0.634439 0.0394935"> <![CDATA[The instruction is the “problem” and we can indeed set as our goal changed understanding for all.]]> </span> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-8"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-6"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st71.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">A closer look at a specific set of data...</content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="951 452" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="36 232" id="body-9"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st12.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">A conceptual diagnostic</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation (FMCE)</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" tab-stops="" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[R. K. Thornton & D. R. Sokoloff, “Assessing student learning of Newton’s laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula,” Am. J. Phys. 66(4) 338 – 352 (1998). ]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-9"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="1023 427" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="0 365" id="body-10"/> <image byte-size="4106" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-3" transformation="1.38196 0 0 1.38196 368.261 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted2.pict" natural-size="474.5 260.5"/> <image byte-size="2544" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-4" transformation="1.35291 0 0 1.35291 0 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted11.pict" natural-size="246.875 261.5"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st811.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="18.35" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[(sled on ice, friction can be ignored) ]]> <div paragraph-head-indent="35.35"> <![CDATA[1. Which force would keep the sled moving toward the right and speeding up at a steady rate (constant acceleration)? ]]> </div> <div paragraph-head-indent="36.35"> <![CDATA[2. Which force would keep the sled moving toward the right at a steady (constant) velocity? ]]> </div> <div paragraph-head-indent="35.35"> <![CDATA[3. The sled is moving toward the right. Which force would slow it down at a steady rate (constant acceleration)? ]]> </div> <div paragraph-head-indent="39.35"> <![CDATA[4. Which force would keep the sled moving toward the left and speeding up at a steady rate (constant acceleration)? ]]> </div> <div paragraph-head-indent="36.35"> <![CDATA[5. The sled was started from rest and pushed until it reached a steady (constant) velocity toward the right. Which force would keep the sled moving at this velocity? ]]> </div> <div paragraph-head-indent="37.35"> <![CDATA[7. The sled is moving toward the left. Which force would slow it down at a steady rate (constant acceleration)? ]]> </div> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="body-10"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-3"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-4"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="448 404" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="2 357" id="body-11"/> <image byte-size="12452" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-5" transformation="1.41536 0 0 1.41536 453.025 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted21.pict" natural-size="402.625 540.5"/> <image byte-size="2804" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-6" transformation="1.43362 0 0 1.43362 0 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted3.pict" natural-size="312.5 247.625"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="6030" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st101.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The pattern of choices repeating in a different context tends to corroborate the notion that conceptions drive the choices.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-5"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-6"> <property 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that is consistent with the phrase: ‘the velocity goes as the force.’ (The force graph looks like the velocity graph)]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="36.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Includes the notion that the force responsible for the motion is in the direction of motion]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="35.4271" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">Majority view at the beginning of the semester, <span font-color="1 0.0465011 0.117308">every</span> semester of...</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <span font-color="1 0.0341922 0.104997">every</span> course: HS and both intro college level courses</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">even on the <span font-color="1 0.0208701 0.103502">second</span> and <span font-color="1 0.00857204 0.0912016">third</span> exposure to typical instruction.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="35.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The adjective “old” comes from PIPS students who realize a distinction between this view and the new one they develop.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="260.663" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard">Could be called: everyday or person-on-the-street view of force</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-12"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="100 16" size="824 106" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 626" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 122" id="body-13"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st16.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">A “New” view of force</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="36.5258" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The view of force that is consistent with the phrase: ‘acceleration goes as the net force.’]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="36.5258" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard">The net force graph looks like the acceleration graph.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="35.427" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Includes the notion that the acceleration is always in the direction of the net force]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="36.5258" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Again, the adjective “new” comes from PIPS students who realize a distinction between this view and the one they started with.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="36.5258" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Most physicists would recognize this as the conceptual foundation of what can be called a Newtonian view of force.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-13"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="100 16" size="824 84" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 669" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="middle" location="100 87" id="body-14"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st17.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="64" font-name="Chalkboard">Old view, New view scores</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.690541 0.0626222" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">Two scoring keys: based on Old view & New view of force</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.690541 0.0626222" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">Relating to Newton’s first and second laws of motion</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">11 of the first 21 questions</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">Plus two sets of three involving gravity</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">8, 9, 10</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="27" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">11, 12, 13</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="1" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[If in a set, all three responses are consistent with a particular view of force then a score of 2 was added.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.696901 0.0546079" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">Involves 17 questions with a max score of 15.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="58.5" paragraph-first-line-indent="36" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard">Matched pairs of data used exclusively</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-14"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 594" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 90" id="body-15"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st18.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="0.125183" tab-stops="" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Both the particular set of 17 and the use of the six questions in groups of 3 are suggestions made by Thornton based on his work in…]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="1.15881" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[R. K. Thornton, “Conceptual Dynamics: Following changing Student Views of Force and Motion,” In The Changing Role of Physics Departments in Modern Universities: Proceedings of ICUPE, E. F. Redish & J. S. Rigden (eds) (American Institute of Physics: College Park, MD, 1997) Abstract online at ]]> <span font-color="1 0.8 0"><></span> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="0.125168" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Thornton is able to detect the presence of more positions or views about force for which there is evidence of a developmental sequence.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="0.125168" tab-stops="" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The two view (old vs. new) characterization used here is simplified or more coarse characterization than is possible.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-15"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="100 2" size="824 77" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="851 220" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 525" id="body-16"/> <image byte-size="2670" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-7" transformation="1 0 0 1 203.688 71.5625" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted4.pict" natural-size="616.625 448.875"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st19.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="56" font-name="Chalkboard">Standard Physics Instruction</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Ph. D.’s in Physics and Physics grad student TA’s teaching at major institutions</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Looks like student conceptions of force are resistant to change, but are they?</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-7"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-16"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="624 16" size="394 113" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="1016 308" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="4 452" id="body-17"/> <image byte-size="2670" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-8" transformation="1 0 0 1 5.6875 -2.4375" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted5.pict" natural-size="616.625 448.875"/> <textbox id="textbox-2" size="378.5 280" transformation="1 0 0 1 631.5 15"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="left" tab-stops="L 84" font-size="32" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The bibliography supports the claim that this data collected over a dozen years is characteristic of the results ]]> <span font-color="1 0.696901 0.0546079">over the whole 20th century</span>.</content> </textbox> <textbox id="textbox-3" grow-horizontally="true" size="192 92" transformation="1 0 0 1 710 357"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Why?</content> </textbox> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st20.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[There have been many very dedicated, very smart people teaching physics in high school and college for many decades, yet we have these results.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="28" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Maybe some can just “get” physics (if they have worked hard enough) and some just cannot “get” physics (or have not worked hard enough) OR maybe something OTHER than every student “getting” physics has been the driving factor.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-8"> <property 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level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">The same results?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">These are non-science majors.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The college and the HS instruction each taught by a single instructor with no assistants.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Can it <span font-color="1 0.0116515 0.0470277">really</span> be that only a certain few, who work hard enough can “get” physics?</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-9"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-18"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 78" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 381" id="body-19"/> <image byte-size="2738" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-11" transformation="0.887796 0 0 0.887796 501.532 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted6.pict" natural-size="588.5 406.625"/> <image byte-size="2670" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-10" transformation="0.809244 0 0 0.809244 0 0" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted4.pict" natural-size="616.625 448.875"/> <textbox id="textbox-4" size="809 90" transformation="1 0 0 1 107 583"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 84" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[What about effect size (Cohen’s d) & normalized gain (Hake’s <g>)?]]> </content> </textbox> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st22.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">For comparison, here they are side-by-side.</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-19"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" 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tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Effect Size</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-12"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="68 16" size="887 97" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <image byte-size="2966" display-name="pasted.pict" id="image-13" transformation="1.38835 0 0 1.38835 86.25 148.25" lock-aspect-ratio="true" image-data="pasted8.pict" natural-size="613.5 401.5"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st24.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Normalized Gain and Loss</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="image-13"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 730" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 15" id="body-20"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st25.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">These two sets of data suggest that it is neither the case: </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="62.6395" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">(1) that conceptions are so resistant to change nor </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="67.0343" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">(2) that only certain students can really “get” the new understandings.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.686194 0.0452232" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">The pedagogy is apparently a far greater factor here.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.0111119 0.0582883" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <span font-color="1 0.982541 0.995635">The alternative pedagogy used in this study is</span> <![CDATA[ ]]> <span font-color="1 0.669053 0.0436282">student-understanding driven.</span> <![CDATA[ ]]> <span font-color="g1"> <![CDATA[ ]]> </span> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">There are other examples of PER-based instruction with similar results.</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-20"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" location="100 158" size="824 452" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st26.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[The claim that standard, content-driven physics instruction has the goal of the students actually understanding “physics” is not supported by the actual outcome of traditional physics instruction as revealed in the data collected over the whole of the 20th century.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 727" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" 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level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="69.2318" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[(2) we should probably stop calling it “physics education” and instead refer to physics instruction as physics vocational selection and training.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-21"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="824 718" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="100 16" id="body-22"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st28.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">If it is not acceptable that there is so little change in understanding, then</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.662608 0.051389" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">we must change our own pedagogy</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.638748 0.0567869" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">we must start changing how we prepare teachers</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Can we ethically do otherwise?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[We know how to prepare Jr Hi teachers who can achieve similar results with 9th graders to those in the HS physics classes in this study...and HS teachers who can take them further.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="24" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Incidentally the HS teacher in this study had never taught this way before. He had access only to written material and e-mail communication for advice in his efforts. Several years later his students’ understandings are still far superior to the science and engineering majors in introductory physics in college.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-22"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="35 16" size="954 200" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body size="927 488" visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master" location="49 232" id="body-23"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st29.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Do we have the courage?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.638748 0.0567869" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">To change our own pedagogy?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.638748 0.0567869" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">To change how we prepare teachers?</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.962963 0.962963" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="48" font-name="Chalkboard">PER “gives us good guidance” in making effective change.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="1 0.962963 0.962963" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[ is evidenced in the data presented here, in other talks at this meeting, and the PER literature.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" delivery="1" target-id="body-23"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" id="body-24" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st30.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">Thank you.</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Those of us in PER are ready to work with anyone who wishes to work on these two tasks.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Feel free to get in touch:</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">Dewey</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">...and others at this meeting...</content> </bullet> </bullets> <events> <build type="apple:appear" duration="1" target-id="body-24"> <property name="animationType" value="1"/> </build> </events> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st31.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard"/> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="-4 16" size="1030 200" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" location="100 232" size="906 452" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st161.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">An existing conceptual scheme</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Our understandings are our own mental constructs as such only we can make or modify our own understandings for ourselves.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[We make changes in our personal mental constructs when we decide our existing ones do not fit experience.]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[Because our understandings are mental entities and not physical, they reside only in our minds not in any physical object or process.]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> <slide master-slide-id="master-slide-2"> <drawables> <title visibility="tracks-master" location="57 16" size="904 84" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> <body visibility="tracks-master" location="33 92" size="978 645" vertical-alignment="tracks-master"/> </drawables> <transition-style type="inherited"/> <thumbnails> <thumbnail byte-size="8370" size="60 45" file="thumbs/st311.tiff"/> </thumbnails> <bullets> <bullet level="0" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-alignment="center" tab-stops="L 96" font-size="72" font-name="Chalkboard">What the research “says”</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">“If I didn’t already believe it, I never would have seen it .” - John Layman</content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[If we can fit the data within our existing conceptual scheme, the data corroborates our conceptual scheme. (Piaget-cognitive assimilation)]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="1" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[When we cannot fit the data within our existing conceptual scheme (Piaget-disequilibration), we have two choices:]]> </content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard">avoid, disparage, ignore the data or</content> </bullet> <bullet level="2" marker-type="inherited"> <content font-color="g1" paragraph-head-indent="11" paragraph-first-line-indent="11" tab-stops="L 56" font-size="36" font-name="Chalkboard"> <![CDATA[adjust our conceptual scheme (Piaget-cognitive accommodation) to fit the data. (conceptual change) ]]> </content> </bullet> </bullets> </slide> </slide-list> <ui-state> <number key="BGShowUIStateRulersVisible">1</number> <number key="BGShowUIStateNotesVisible">0</number> <array key="BGShowUIStateSelectedSlides"> <reference id-ref="slide-1"/> </array> <array key="BGShowUIStateSelectedDrawables"/> <reference key="BGShowUIStateActiveSlide" id-ref="slide-1"/> <array key="BGShowUIStateSelectedBulletPoints"/> <string key="BGShowUIStateCanvasOrigin">{0, 0}</string> <string key="BGShowUIStateWindowSize">1 56 1107 690 0 0 1152 746 </string> <string key="BGShowUIStateCanvasZoom">Fit</string> </ui-state> </presentation>