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In addition to giving many examples of how to present information and create an environment conducive to increasing students conceptual knowledge, the program does so in a framework that suggests why this constructivist approach is successful. (I had some sense that I wanted to teach in a way to make the physics more immediate and understandable to students: modeling comes very close to what I think I was looking for.) The program also provides an opportunity for participants to learn some physics. Even with my strong background, my understanding and comfort with some beginning physics concepts improved. This improvement was mainly due to the interactional nature of modeling physics. I experienced the difference between knowing something intellectually (and being able to do problems with this knowledge), and understanding something on a deeper conceptual level (because the understanding is based on sensual phenomena which are seen/handled/felt/heard). I was able to note this difference and draw connections between these two types of learning. This type of a rich environment gives new students a tangible experience which can then promote understanding on multiple levels: the environment provides a solid base of experience which the student can use to develop a more conceptual understanding. After this conceptual understanding can come the expression of this understanding in mathematics. In the traditional lecture-based courses, it is usually only the mathematical understanding which the students are typically asked for on tests. [End Partial Fragment 1] [Partial Fragment 2] Evolved Conceptions of Good Instruction Goal/Subject of Instruction Instead of my earlier emphasis on what I learned in my first science courses (the facts of science), and what I was most interested in, I know believe that it is the process of science that students should primarily learn. Students interested in what science has discovered can be very curious about the facts of science, and it is certainly possible to differentiate students based on the number of facts they are able to remember. However, I do not now regard this as a useful procedure. While engaged in scientific research, or research of any nature in business, the process of finding answers to questions is very important. The facts that are needed are not known by anyone, and it takes a systematic and sometimes creative approach to find them. This process of scientific discovery is not similar at all to the process of fact memorization that is commonly used in science teaching. It is much more useful, therefore, to teach students to be able to take part in the process of science. Much of the process in science is establishing how we know something, and being able to explain it to others. In contrast, in schools, many parts of science are presented as pieces of knowledge that are already complete: the teaching is of what we know more than how we know it. Thus, students are left with the impression that scientific knowledge is something that is discovered all at once as part of a self-consistent whole, whereas the reality is that most scientific information is arrived at piece-by-piece, with not all the pieces fitting together clearly, and that it is only sometimes much later that how the pieces go together is found out. What the students miss in this fashion is exposure to and practice of trying to integrate separate pieces of information together so that they make sense. This synthesis of information is something that will be useful to them in their non-scholastic lives; it will also be useful to them in whatever occupation they choose to pursue. In science, we are called to make judgments about what parts of conflicting information we believe is more correct: such judgments in the real world are also common. A part of getting students to put knowledge together for themselves is to provide an environment that fosters this ability. This environment may entail having the students encounter frustration from time to time as they try to put their knowledge together. Undoubtedly they will ask the instructor for clarification, and under many circumstances it is desirable that the instructor answer them directly. However, there are also situations in which the instructor should leave it to the students to resolve a question. As in the real-world, there is often no authority figure who can be relied upon to resolve an ambiguity. Forcing the students to make their own judgments, and do their own logical consistency checks, gives them practice at dealing with questions of knowledge validity and construction. Frustration is also a natural part of the learning process. As students construct their knowledge, they may not choose a useful or usable way to integrate all of their observations. Also, their new observations may not fit in the framework of their already-established knowledge base, which could provide further frustration. This frustration should motivate them to develop a more consistent model of knowledge. To help encourage this process, I do not believe the teacher should automatically immediately answer all the students questions fully. Doing so can reduce the opportunity for the students to do their own thinking and considering of the information they are trying to make sense of. Rather, the teacher should give the students the time and encouragement they need to think things through for themselves. In this interactive model, the teachers may help point the way for the students to think about a problem or set of observations in light of the students existing knowledge. The teacher does not have to put the student into metaphorical deep water, and then wait for them to drown. Rather, the teacher can put the students into the water, and then stand by and help the students out with a lifeline or two, but allow the students to do most of the work (learning). These statements should not be interpreted to mean that the teacher should not answer any questions the students have. Rather, instead of just answering the question, I think of what would be best for the students: to answer the question; to give them clues to ways to analyze a question; or to leave them on their own. Student Thinking From my experience going through the modeling instruction offered in the alternative certification program, I can see how beginning a topic with some sort of demonstration or hands-on activity helps the students as they learn. This type of physical demonstration lets them perceive a phenomenon directly with their senses. Then, whether theyve had exposure to the underlying principles or not, they have some direct experience of it. This experience gives them something to which they can refer to, and something that they can build their knowledge on. At least, thats what I felt as I went through the program. Starting with direct experience this way also encourages the students to be able to talk and ask questions about it. This progression helps them begin to learn something new, and be able to start talking and thinking about it in fairly definite terms. As they do this, they are able to bring it in to their own knowledge. Starting with a more abstract concept, while perhaps more efficient in terms of teaching, may not give the students enough information to be able to use these abstract concepts. While some students may be able (and eager) to memorize such things, the memorization does not contain by itself enough familiarity to be usable. Once they do have these concepts or experiences available in concrete terms, then the students can be exposed to more comprehensive abstractions of them. And, when they are comfortable with the abstractions, mathematical expressions of the concepts can be introduced. In this fashion, a real physical intuition can be fostered, which can underlie the mathematical representation. Students often ask, Whats the formula for this? and rely on the mathematics to help them solve problems. However, if they have an internal physical picture of a situation, then the mathematics becomes very obvious. Indeed, the mathematics in this way becomes another of a set of representations of a concept. It is also useful to have the students translate between the various representations, which strengthens the concepts and the ability to use these representations. For many concepts, the students already have some ideas relevant to the concepts being taught. So, instead of beginning a topic from the point of view that the students have no knowledge of it, it is better to ask the students what they already know, or think they already know. Many times the students have very nave or non-physical understanding of a phenomenon. The teacher can use their preconceptions / misconceptions in shaping the lesson for the students. As mentioned in several places, these preconceptions are very resistant to long-term changes: usually the students go back to their original thinking. What we as teachers should do is provide the students with a wealth of experiences which directly challenge their non-physical interpretations. Even if their preconceptions emerge, they will have had the chance to examine them in light of some challenging phenomena. This strategy also helps the students connect the new knowledge they receive with their own existing knowledge. These connections will help them be able to integrate this new knowledge, and make the knowledge more usable to them. Activities and Engagement The activities that the students engage in and the way that they use their minds can markedly increase the speed at which they learn, and how easily they can apply their knowledge. Engagement of Student Attention The instructor can show the students many different demonstrations that embody physical principles, either before, during, or after a topic is covered. However, the best use of such a demonstration is not merely telling the students about the demonstration, but getting them to think about the demonstration beforehand: ask the students what they will see during and after the demonstration. In this way, their minds are actively engaged in the outcome. Having the students write down predictions is also useful in this regard: it prevents them from not making a definitive prediction, or in unconsciously changing their predictions once theyve seen the demonstration. Again, this integration of their rational thinkican abilities with information from their senses, along with an emotional content (anticipating whether they are right or wrong), will help the students retain and be able to grapple and incorporate the content into their knowledge base. Creating the emotional engagement of the students during these activities can call upon some skill in showmanship of the instructor. Many of the hands-on activities used in the modeling curriculum (moving back and forth in front of a motion detector attached to a computer giving a real-time plot of the students position, velocity, and acceleration; examining various toys with springs, dropping eggs into student-built protective devices to prevent the eggs from breaking; etc.) are inherently fun to do. Such activities encourage the students to perform them, not only because they will learn from them, but also because the students enjoy doing them. This inherent interest in the activities draws the students in, and gets them to both complete the assignment, but also to learn more about what they are doing than if the activity were not so engaging. This type of activity also engages the emotions of the students, giving their learning an emotionally-enhanced context. Different Types of Knowledge Information about a topic in physics can be conveyed in many ways: verbally, visually, by touch, moving, pictures, graphs, equations, written words, etc. Not only do students have varying abilities in each of these areas (thus, making some modes easier for some students than others), but asking the students to translate between these multiple representations engages their minds in multiple dimensions. As they translate concepts between different representations, they gain more facility with the act of translation, and also become more familiar with the subject of translation. This familiarity helps to embed the knowledge into their minds, and also can provide insights into the material from different perspectives. This increased familiarity allows the students to actually be able use the information they are learning more easily. Beyond the multiple representations of the knowledge, learning something through various modes presents the student with different kinds of knowledge. One can have an appreciation of the sight of a physical configuration, or the feel of a physical process on the fingertips, or a kinesthetic sense of motion as one moves in a certain pattern. These types of knowledge can stand on their own, to an extent. But it is in their relationships between each other that I believe can substantially benefit the students. These islands of different types of knowledge are bridged by the students understanding of the underlying principles. Having these islands allows the students to draw the connections between them, and build up their knowledge from multiple sources. Having multiple sources seems to give a solid anchor to the concepts, so that the students can not only remember them better, they can use this knowledge in multiple areas. As mentioned, some students will have more facility in one mode than another. Multiple modes and representations lets the student shore up those areas they are weak in, while at the same time building on those areas they are strong in. Also, having different types of knowledge provides different insights into the underlying physical phenomenon. Student Verbalizations and Explanations Traditionally, most information flow in a classroom is from the teacher to the students. However, I have observed and been actively engaged in student discourse during the alternate certification classes Ive taken. I now believe that student discourse is extremely valuable for multiple reasons as the students learn and use course information. As the students construct their knowledge, incorporating the course information, they try several ways of integrating that information into their existing schema. Talking, as the students listen to each other and to themselves, helps them figure out how to connect them together. Humans are verbal animals, and it helps the students understand what they are thinking if they are forced (or, do so spontaneously) to describe or explain a concept, principle, or observation. This projection of knowledge into a concrete verbal form helps them clarify their thoughts. If they are not able to explain something clearly, it may be because they are not thinking clearly. Giving them the opportunity and the guidance and the challenge of making their thoughts clear to others and themselves helps them learn and also express themselves. These are both good things. While the teacher may be able to offer ab initio a reasonable and coherent explanation of some phenomenon, this explanation may not find its way into the students brain. The real work of making sense of the phenomenon, and integrating it into the students already existing knowledge, lies with the students. Verbally forming these explanations is correlated with better conceptual understanding and student performance. When students express themselves to each other, they must make some sound. In the interests of parallelism, the students can be talking together in small groups. As they help and challenge each other to develop acceptable explanations, they are likely to become excited about the material and their understanding. They will accordingly raise their voices in excitement: they will probably become noisy. In contrast to traditional courses (lecturer delivering material quietly), such sessions will probably be very boisterous. This is still probably a good thing to encourage. Traditionally, the instructor is the arbiter of truth in the classroom. Students appeal to the teacher with simple or complex explanations, and ask Is this true?, or Is that correct?, and await the judgment of the instructor. However, in the real world, there is no such arbiter, and to look for one is not usually useful. For the purpose of learning the process of science, it is probably useful for the instructor not to answer questions, but to give the class time to come to a consensus regarding an explanation or a question. In this way, they become used to the provisional nature and methods of science. One of the main things of doing science is looking for consistency. Forcing the students to examine the self-consistency of their results and explanations introduces them to this idea in a very natural way. Conducting classes in this way is a very open-ended treatment of many of the topics in physics. This approach gives the students a way to examine more fully elements of the curriculum that interests them. Instead of the teacher directing the details of the inquiry, it is the students who choose the elements of their environment for further investigation. The instructor has to play multiple roles in this scheme: in addition to setting up the environment, the instructor has to be prepared to guide the students along a large variety of paths, and see that they are all engaged in useful work. The instructor also has to endure the process of not jumping in and giving the students advice and clear explanations and directions, and let the students lead (in large part). During more traditional classes, the instructor is able to map out a more restricted (but potentially less rewarding) path through various topics. Elements of Learning There are several elements of learning that encourage the students in their pursuit: group work, actively discussing and trying to increase their understanding, and those Aha! moments at which their understanding increases in large chunks. Group Work In contrast to the traditional lecture-type instruction (students working on their own, problem assignments and tests, and working together only in labs), there is value in having the students work together during class time. They are able to talk about their understanding with each other, which as mentioned above helps their understanding and learning by itself. This group work is also supervised by the instructor, so that the students may be guided in their conversations, and remain on task. Also, much of scientific research in academia and industry is carried out in small groups. It is both appropriate and useful for the students to be exposed to this type of activity, by which much of science is carried out. The students thus learn what it is like to explore knowledge and learn in a group situation. [Group content?] Active Discussions During their active engagement with the material they are struggling to learn, the students will be trying to figure out how the new information fits together with their existing information. One surprising finding is that the more open questions a student asks, the more understanding of concepts they achieve [Uncommon Knowledge]. Also, the more explanations of the material they come up with (wrong or right), the better they will do. These activities are signs of a mind that is actively grappling with the material, and this active grappling is correlated with improved performance. The more ways that the students can us to represent this knowledge is also correlated with improved performance. Multiple representations again brings back the idea that they can translate information from one mode into another, increasing the students familiarity with the material. Giving students the opportunity to discuss, question, and record their thoughts is thus something to be encouraged. These elements are largely missing from the traditional lecture approach, in which one explanation (the teachers) is usually considered sufficient, and that students who ask the most questions are considered to not understand the material. Aha! Moments One of the moments considered to be pivotal in science are the Aha! moments, wherein disparate pieces of information that do not seem to fit together well, suddenly make sense to the student, or scientist. During actual research, such moments come along with varying frequencies, as researchers determine the best way to approach a problem, set up their experiments, or analyze their data. They may be the most exhilarating parts of the scientific process. Just so may be these Aha moments for the students. When they have different pieces of new information, and are trying to make sense of it and put it into the framework of their existing knowledge. These moments then provide a clarity to the students (Oh, now I get it!), a taste of the scientific process, and an emotional satisfaction (a reward in itself as the students become self-motivated). The arrival of these moments may not be able to be predicted, but an environment can be designed which is favorable to them. From my experience in the alternative certification program, I believe that these moments can be encouraged with the following elements: Discourse among the students, so that they are able to (attempt to) clearly describe what they are looking at or looking for, and how what they see fits into what they know, and how their new knowledge does or does not fit together with their existing knowledge. Doing things. The students need to be engaged in some action, at the time or prior to their Aha moment. As they do things, they will either be surprised by what they see, or will get experiential knowledge that will help them make sense of some new concept. Awareness of their incomplete knowledge. In this regard, the students need the ability to reflect on their knowledge, and be aware that it is incomplete or in error. The design of the activity is part of the instructors responsibility, and the activity may challenge the student as to whether the students knowledge is complete enough or accurate enough to be consistent with the reality the instructor presents, or makes available. Once the student has one of these Aha moments, they usually understand what they are trying to understand, and put the knowledge together coherently. Although these moments are not predictable, nor can they be coerced into existence, they can be encouraged with a sufficiently friendly environment. Examples and Labs The examples, demonstrations, and labs involved in an introductory physics class let the students come into contact with the physical world in a very controlled fashion. I believe the students will learn more with realistic examples and open-ended lab activities than in the traditional very-staged examples and structured, cook-book labs. Examples Many of the examples and demos which are used to display some physical principle or concept are done in a very controlled, almost idealistic environment. They are done so to minimize the action of some other principle that is either not been covered yet, or is overly complicated (for example, an air table). However, these demos then lack the connection to the real-world that would be useful for students to have. I believe that it is better to be perhaps less than perfect in the demonstration and examples, but have a higher connection to the real-world that the students live in. The physics does not have to be perfect to be useful to the students. In fact, some of the imperfections can lead to a discussion of some other, related topics, in a setting where the students are eager and curious to learn. Although the aspect of physics that is under investigation should be preeminent, competing or complicating principles should not be swept under the rug. They should be dealt with straight-forwardly. This is not too say that the demonstrations should be overly complicated, with every competing factors mentioned. Just that the main point should be made to the students, with the more prominent of the competing factors dealt with honestly. The students will get a better picture of how the physical principles work together, along with an idea of what is more important in certain situations. Lab Activities Lab activities have traditionally been used to demonstrate some principle or aspect of physics that was covered during the class. The students generally have to follow a specific procedure to carry out the lab, and write a report on their activities. Very little room is left for student creativity or insight. In contrast with this idea, and much closer to research carried out academically and industrially, is to have a goal to attain, and the leave the students to determine how it is done. Such an open-ended lab activity gives the students the opportunity to use information they learned in class, and also their own creativity and ingenuity as they seek to use that information in measuring something or trying to achieve some goal. Such an arrangement gives the students the need to integrate creative thinking with their beginning scientific knowledge. The instructor should be nearby to help the students formulate and analyze approaches to take, as well as provide needed assistance at other times. By calling on very high-level cognitive functions, the students are forced to deal with the material they have been learning in a more meaningful and more real-world way. This approach may set the stage for how they deal with real-world problems after they have finished the course, and in their future careers. Technology With the constantly decreasing cost but increasing capabilities, computer-aided data acquisition and analysis are affordable and very useful tools in student learning. Students can get immediate feedback and plots from activities they do (immediate position vs time, or velocity vs time graphs, force vs time, etc.). Instead of laboriously taking data, and then plotting it up to see if it makes sense, the students are able to take the data almost automatically and have it plotted up immediately. This decrease in time, from activity to graphical display, allows the students to form a better connection between the two. Being able to do these things quickly allows the students to do them multiple times. Thus, for instance, they can develop a connection between elements of a graphical representation of a phenomenon (e.g., the slope of a graph), and characteristics of the actual event itself (e.g., speed of an object). While these capabilities are not essential to learning physics (how many of us have learned physics without them?), they make learning easier for the students, and help them learn some things faster. Being able to take data and plot it up without the use of a computer is still a useful skill, and the students should do this at least once. But, as in industrial and academic research, it is much more likely that many of the tasks of data acquisition and analysis are now computer-assisted. Having the students exposed to this procedure increases their familiarity and closeness to actually doing science. In addition, many devices now exist for showing students things about the physical world that were simply unheard of decades ago. For example, one can build and show a low-cost cloud chamber showing the path of incoming cosmic rays and background radiation decays [Need reference here]. These capabilities can show students many aspects of a world that would otherwise lie hidden from them, except for parts of the curriculum they would be memorizing. These devices can bring the work of observing and understanding the world around us much closer to the student, and make the students understanding of the world much more tangible. Good Practices and Processes From my experiences and observations of teaching and learning during the alternate teacher certification process, I have come to some conclusions regarding what actions and activities constitute good learning environments and effective teaching. Good Learning Good learning is characterized by encouraging creativity and enthusiasm in the students. These characteristics can be brought out in any number of ways. Having the students participate in the learning material, either through hands-on or active attention engagement [Active engagement article] seems to make the material more real for the students, gets them to engage in the material, and helps them learn from concrete examples. After familiarity with concrete examples, the students can then productively begin to form abstractions from them. This progression is natural to learning [Reference to learning theories]. As the students learn, they naturally have questions about what they are learning, how it applies and in which areas. These questions and explanations are also characteristic of good learning. An excellent environment to promote these activities is within small groups. Naturally, the instructor can serve as a guide in these groups, but having the students arranged in this way is very efficient, as compared to the traditional lecture format where the instructor generally speaks and the students generally (at least theoretically) learn. In this traditional format, at most one student at a time gets a chance to talk, either in answer to a question or posing a question for him or herself. Getting the students to talk about, explain, and question what they are learning are also ways for them to get excited and show their enthusiasm and interest in the material. As the students learn and attempt to fit the new knowledge into their existing framework, they need two things. First, they need to be aware of the incomplete state of their knowledge. The instructor, through a choice of activities, problems, or questions, must allow the students to bring to their attention their own incomplete knowledge, or inconsistencies in their thinking. This state of affairs is not comfortable to the students (or, to anyone else, for that matter), but is an essential part of the learning process. Not to bring this out presumes that the students have no previous knowledge at all, and are just learning the new material in vacuo. This situation is not accurate. Another component that the students need is some reflection on what they are doing and what they are learning. They need to be aware of the incomplete nature of their knowledge, and realize when they have managed to make that knowledge consistent with reality (i.e., the outside world). As they learn, they should realize that their thinking has changed, from the state that it was in before (incomplete) to the state that it is in after (more complete). When they become aware of these states, they will be more familiar with them, and realize what role they play in learning. Later in their careers, they will be more disposed towards understanding when they do not know something, and be prepared (if it is something they need to know) to go and learn about it. When asking students questions that are non-trivial, the students may need some time to put their thoughts together in a coherent fashion. It is wise in this instance to give them time to do this, rather than going on to another question, or trying to answer it yourself. Also, ask the question first before calling on a person to answer. Otherwise, only the person who is asked will start to think about it; the others, thinking that they are off the hook, relax. Spiraling Knowledge Another aspect of knowledge that the students should realize, and that the instructor should have in the design of the course, is the spiraling of human knowledge. As the students learn more, they can go back and see how this new knowledge relates to their previous knowledge, and how that previous knowledge is necessary for their new knowledge. This process of spiraling helps codify their previous knowledge, and make it easier for them to accept and use their new knowledge. Forming the connections between their existing knowledge and their new knowledge is something that the students can be encouraged and taught to do. However, some of these connections the students may come up with are surprising. The instructor should welcome these new connections as a sign of insight (if true) of the students learning. This spiraling back also serves to show the contiguous nature of knowledge: how it has been built up step-by-step, and not arrived at in one fell swoop of revelation. Thus, the student is exposed to how science really progresses, building on each piece of knowledge in a consistent whole. Many times physics is taught as a set of independent subjects, with very little linkage between them. It probably helps the students to show the connections between them. Active Engagement The traditional approach to teaching physics can have a certain amount of monotony in it: lecture format of information flowing from instructor to student, problem sets to practice applying that information, and cook-book labs to demonstrate some of the principles from lecture. This is hardly an approach to inspire interest, nor is it an accurate depiction nor good training of how science is actually done. For science to be useful as it is taught, it should be taught as it is done. This approach involves much peer-to-peer interaction, as the students learn from each other, and as they try to express themselves to each other. The back-and-forth conversation of science is useful also as a means of learning science. Learning through different senses and representations of knowledge are also key elements of this new approach. Information from different senses gives a different kind of experiential knowledge to the students, which can stand apart from other information. It is then useful for the students as they knit this information together that they can learn what they mean. A proof of this learning can be that they are able to cast their knowledge into different representations. As they learn in this way, the students should be engaged in the material, and also find it fun to learn. The students become self-motivated to learn; hopefully this love of learning carries over to other aspects of their lives. Above all, science is experienced as something that people do, not just memorize. Although other, later courses, may be offered in the more traditional mold, the idea that they should use the knowledge they learn should help them as they incorporate this new material into their existing framework. Much of the information that students learn in classes can be memorized, and used just during the class. Students may not believe it applies outside the classroom. However, the experiential hands-on learning that was practiced during our alternate certification classes is of a different kind: it is knowledge discovered by use, and meant to be used. Conclusion Coming from a more-or-less traditional background of physics instruction, I am only recently arrived to the teaching profession. Based on my experiences in the Buffalo State College alternate teaching certification program, I can offer some advice to others contemplating or involved in the same endeavor: Approach the field of teaching with an open mind. Teaching as weve been taught is a natural first idea, but there are much better ways to teach than the traditional lecture format. Design your classes with the idea of providing the students with experiences through multiple senses, teaching them multiple ways of representing phenomena, and encouraging them to speak, write, and reflect on what they are learning, or trying to learn. Computer-aided exercises are an excellent way to provide immediate learning feedback to the students. Provide open-ended activities that allow the students to use some creativity and ingenuity in dealing with them. Engage your students in the beginning of an activity, as they are introduced to a new phenomenon. Get them to make predictions. Progress from concrete examples, and then do an abstraction later. Present concepts first, and then the equations that can be dealt with mathematically. Dont provide easy answers to your students immediately. Get them to think and reflect on what theyre asking first: do they already know the answer? From the point of view of people designing alternate and standard teacher certification programs, I can see other suggestions that would improve the thinking of the participants of these programs: Provide the participants with a learning experience similar to the one(s) they will be leading during their teaching careers. This will show them situations that their students will be facing, and suggest ways they will approach the material, and hopefully master it. Provide the participants with the opportunity of actually trying to teach students. This lets the participants know if they really want to pursue teaching as a career. Get the participants to approach their learning as much like their prospective students as possible. Again, this lets the participants have some feel for what their students will be going through. 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