TPT WebSights column draft for September, 2007:
WebSights features announcements and reviews of select sites of
interest to physics teachers. All
sites are copyright by their authors.
This column is available as a web page at <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.Edu/pubs/WebSights/>.
If you have
successfully used a physics website that you feel is outstanding and
appropriate for WebSights,
please email me the URL and describe how you use it to teach or learn
physics. The best site monthly
will receive a T-shirt. <>.
Learning Approach to Waves (Project CLAW) website: <>. This
website contains a large number of Flash simulations on waves, their behavior
and interactions. Each section of the website also has questions that
relate to the simulations that are meant to check for understanding of the
important concepts. Nominated by
the author Frank Nappo of Lockport HS Physics <>, who solicits reader input.
Walker's Flying Circus of Physics website and blog: <>. The Flying Circus of Physics (earlier versions with
and without answers) was a well-known book in the physics world that just went
through a new edition. Walker is
famous for popularizing the leidenfrost effect demos (with molten lead, liquid
nitrogen and hot coals) and the bed of nails demo, and his website contains
many pictures of these (readers are strongly cautioned not to try these without
guidance and Walker can be contacted via the website). An entertaining physics
website nominated by John Hubisz, editor of the MicroReviews column.
Hinrich's collection of web resources used for teaching modern physics topics:
These two links are for college level
materials. The University of
Washington Physics Education Research Group has researched and developed Tutorials in Introductory Physics: <>.
There are relevant paper and pencil tutorials and homework on 1-D
Relative Motion, Wave Properties of Matter, and the Photoelectric Effect. The instructors guide contains
pre-tests and sample exam questions.
Rachel ScherrŐs dissertation <> contains her research on many topics in special
relativity and the appendices include pre-tests, tutorials, and homework for
the concepts of Events and Reference Frames, Measurement, Simultaneity, and
Synchronization and Causality.
Quantum Mechanics: The first URL points to materials that
were developed for high school students, but are appropriate for introductory
college students as well. The
other two links are for college level material. The Kansas State Physics Education Group has researched and
developed a wide suite of simulation-based tutorials called Visual Quantum
Mechanics: <>.
Topics include Solids & Light, Waves of Matter, Potential Energy
Diagrams, Luminescence, and Exploring the Very Small. The University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group
has researched and developed A New Model Course in Quantum Mechanics: <>.
Materials, which are paper and pencil or computer-based include
Tutorials, Applied Homework, Essay Questions, and Software. There is also an Instructors Guide, and
a section on Understanding How Students Learn. The University of Colorado Physics Education Research Group
has developed a vast array of on-line simulations through their Physics
Education Technology (PhET)
initiative that include seventeen on Quantum Phenomena: <>.
Besides the standard topics they also cover Double Wells and Covalent
Bonds, Nuclear Physics, Conductivity, Semiconductors, Band Structure,
Stern-Gernlach, etc.
(Mathematical) Quantum Mechanics: The
University of Pittsburgh is research and developing Quantum Interactive
Learning Tutorials (QuILT): <>.
Topics include Time Evolution of Wave Functions, Product Spaces, Quantum
Measurement, Expectation Values, etc.
for Teaching: Dan Styer at Oberlin College has an
extensive page of information and links on teaching Quantum Mechanics at both
the conceptual and advanced levels:
<>, and the Quantum Exchange at Compadre <> bills itself as a collection of information and
resources for teachers of quantum physics. Materials cover both conceptual and advanced, but lean
toward the latter and are grouped into five categories: pedagogy, applications, background,
activities and tutorials. In
addition to classroom materials, there are a number of physics education
research papers on relevant topics posted.
Submitted by Brant
Hinrichs, Associate Professor of Physics at Drury University <>.
Humorous Physics and Spoof
Scientific Journals: The Journal
of Irreproducible Results <>,
The Null Hypothesis <>
and the Annals of Improbable Research
have all been suggested for physics humor. All present amusing spoof articles, descriptions, jokes and
cartoons from physics and science.
The Wolfram Demonstrations
Project at <> is "...a web collection of freely available,
interactive demonstrations in math, science and many in physics." These compiled Mathematics 6
demonstrations are somewhat akin to physlets. Running these demonstrations requires the download and installation
of a free Mathematica player
(registration is suggested but not required). I enjoyed playing with the astronomical simulations
particularly, although the modern physics, mechanics and optics simulations
also looked nice.
I am a fan of other Wolfram
sites, particularly the Integrator:
<>. The QuickMath website <>
is another student favorite site powered by Mathematica, though sometimes it seems overwhelmed with users.