Grand Canyon Outfitting
Click here to see a 10 minute introductory video Dear Canyon River Runners, Thank you for inquiring about Canyon REO The owners and staff of Canyon REO take great pride and satisfaction in providing services for your Grand Canyon vacation. No two private trips are alike - that is part of the adventure of the Canyon. We help you create the canyon trip you want. Canyon REO is constantly striving for better customer service. Our goal is to be as flexible as necessary to make your trip successful. The following pages will give you in-depth insight into various ways you can organize your Canyon trip. It is the most up-to-date information we have and will detail all of our services. There is a lot more we can share with you. Please give us a call with any questions at 1-800-637-4604. All of us at Canyon REO wish you a safe, fun and exciting Grand Canyon trip. Donnie Dove and the Canyon REO staff