Q3: What did you
Q4: How did the
image of the coin viewed through the water compare to simply looking
at the coin? Compare the apparent size of the coin.
Q5: Draw two ray
diagrams for your eye, the coin, and the cup, one with and one
without water. Does the light bend in either case?
Q6: Use your diagrams
to explain what you observed, describe how light must change paths.
Q7: Now re-address
(discuss and amend your responses for) the spearfishing questions.
Q8: You are hired
by the neighborhood greasy spoon restaurant, and assigned to wash
dishes in an industrial sized sink. You see the drain plug on
the bottom through the cold, greasy water and it looks like it
is just barely within reach. Can you pull it out by hand? Why
or why not? (Physical science reasons, please).