Q1: What
is the skier's speed at the intermediate point?
During the second half of the total run, the skier moves through
a series of side trails and down a slope called Hart Prairie to
a final elevation of 8,850 ft. During stage two the skier loses
170 kJ to frictional/air resistance, but gains an additional 50
kJ of energy due to body work.
is the skier's final velocity (Vf) at the foot of the
Hart Prairie run?
draw a crude sketch calculating kinetic energy (KE), gravitational
potential energy (GPE), and total energy (TE) at the three
points labeled Agassiz (start), Intermediate, and Hart Prairie (final).
Use SI (m, k and s) units throughout. Remember [1.0 m = 3.281 ft]
Question: Near
the very foot of Hart Prairie run there is a small circular 'speed
bump' hill of radius 5.0 m. At
what minimum Vf will the skier become airborne? Does
this particular skier become airborne? (Draw a FBD)