BSC we offer two M.S.Ed. (Physics) degree programs: one designed
currently certified professional teachers who wish to add physics teaching
as a second certification area, and a second program (M.S.Ed. Physics
with NYSED Trans. B Cert) for career changing
science and engineering professionals who wish to become NY physics
teachers through a 2 year alternative certification process involving
full-time work as a transitionally certified HS physics
Our M.S.Ed. (Physics) program course requirements are
described at <>.
Certification program sequence and administration is further
described at <>.
A published paper describing our programs:
of our PHY5xx and PHY6xx courses are offered in evenings and
summers or online,
so working professionals
can enroll and keep their day jobs. Application
information is found at <>, and
Associate Professor
Dan MacIsaac would be pleased to correspond with
you regarding program details by email or phone 716-878-3802.
Course registration
is ONLY possible via the online BANNER system. Summer 2008 registration
commences 9 April, 2008. BANNER access is opened to admitted nondegree
visiting or regular degree program students after the graduate college
an admissions application
from <>.
note that non-degree visiting students (code 7000) are NOT eligible
receive federal student loans; admission into
a degree program such as the MSEd (Physics), code 6634 is required
for federal
loan eligibility. Teachers working at "high-needs" LEAs
may be eligible for Federal Stafford Loan forgiveness and other
funding opportunities, details of such
are found at <> under
The SUNY-BUffalo State College Department of Physics
has established a new website detailing Physics Teachers' Summer Academy courses
and administration at: .
That site includes a regularly updated listing of all (summer, online, evening
and regular semester) course
for physics teachers, as well as funding opportunities and application procedures.
Information below this line on this page is left for historical information only.
2008, Buffalo State Physics will offer three intensive graduate
course-workshops in our Buffalo State Summer Physics Teacher's Academy
suitable for K-20 physics and physical science teachers.
Instruction is by expert Ph.D. faculty and experienced master
physics teachers. Registration is through the online BANNER starting
9 April 2008. On-campus dorm room housing will be available for Summer
2008 course participants at the rate of
approximately $40/day including linen.
(6cr) Process Skills in Physics Teaching for New Physics Teachers. 2
weeks: 7-18Jul08 8am-5pm MTWRF plus select eves, including
6Jul. Taught by Dr. David Henry and colleagues, content
designed for new physics teachers. Previously known as the
institute for new physics teachers, this acclaimed workshop
presents an
introduction to the physics, activities and curricular issues
faced by newly assigned physics teachers. For more information
about PHY 510 workshop course contact Dave Henry, (716) 878-5619. <>. Flyer, <>
(6cr) Powerful Ideas & Quantitative Modeling in Mechanics.15
days: 28Jul08 - 15Aug08 8am-5pm MTWRF. Taught
by Dr.Luanna Gomez and colleagues, designed
for MS/HS physics teachers interested in teaching force, motion
and energy using a modeling curriculum. Teachers in this course
will work through the renowned Modeling Physics curriculum
as modified to meet NYS Core Curriculum needs as both students
and teachers, learning modeling pedagogy and the use of modeling
methods such as whiteboarding, system schema and energy pie
charts and more. Taught via reformed teaching methods. For
more information about PHY 620 contact Dan MacIsaac, (716)
878-3802 or <>.
2006 schedule>.
(6cr) Powerful Ideas & Quantitative Modeling in Electricity
and magnetism. 15
days: 28Jul08 - 15Aug08 8am-5pm MTWRF. Taught
by Dr. Dan MacIsaac and colleagues, designed for MS/HS physics
interested in teaching electricity and magnetism using a
modeling curriculum. Teachers in this course will work through
the renowned
Modeling Physics curriculum as modified to meet NYS Core
Curriculum needs as both students and teachers, learning
modeling pedagogy
and the use of modeling methods such as whiteboarding, system
schema and energy pie charts and more. Taught via reformed
teaching methods. For more information about PHY 622 contact
Dan MacIsaac, (716) 878-3802 or <>. <Sample
2007 schedule>.
2008, we offer the following graduate courses suitable for
physics and physical science teachers:
(3cr) Physics Education Research Seminar. ONLINE BSC
ANGEL Conferencing System. Taught by Dr. Luanna Gomez, a practical
introductory guide to PER for MS/HS physics teachers. <>.
(3cr) Alt Cert Tchg Supervision.
TBA Staff & Dr. Dan MacIsaac, alternative certification
teacher supervision for MS/HS physics teachers. <>.
(3cr) Modern Physics for HS Teachers. Jan-May2008,
Tues evenings 5:00-8:00pm, BSC Campus. Taught by Dr. Luanna
Gomez , content review for the NYSED physics CST exam with
methods for MS/HS physics teachers. <>.
(3cr) MSEd Masters Project. ONLINE Jan-May
2006, BSC BlackBoard Conferencing System. Conducted
by Dr. Dan MacIsaac, penultimate scholarly activity for the
(Phys) degree. <>.
In Fall
2007, we offered the following graduate courses suitable
for physics and physical science teachers:
(3cr) Alt Cert Tchg Supervision. Staff & Dr. Dan MacIsaac,
alternative certification teacher supervision for MS/HS physics
(3cr) Waves and Optics for HS Teachers.
Thurs evenings 5:00-8:00pm, BSC Campus. Taught by Dr. Luanna
Gomez , content review for the NYSED physics CST exam with
pedagogical methods for MS/HS physics teachers. <>.
(3cr) MSEd Masters Project. ONLINE
Sep-Dec05, BSC BlackBoard Conferencing System. Conducted by Dr.
Dan MacIsaac, penultimate scholarly activity for the MSEd
(Phys) degree. <>.
This page is <>.
Dan MacIsaac |